
What if Monster Island worked like The Prisoner? What number would Mothra be given?

This poster CLEARLY prefers the gentlemanly club life!

I saw Safe at the local dollar show with a sense of grudging resignment and actually really liked it. Were Parker and Redemption that good?

Will the frequent flier miles allow me to learn some kind of flight/teleportation, or am I just redeeming these points for cheaper Delta rates? Because either is fine, really.

Uh…so…how many of those points do I accrue before I accidentally start dual-classing? I'm so far up Microsoft's ass I even use Windows Phone and I don't wanna accidentally turn back into being a community college video editing student with all these Mac points.

"Why does this Lego kit only have instructions to make Clash at Demonhead?"

I feel like everyone forgets about any Mac made before, like, 2005. I have an old '98 Bondi Blue iMac I still adore and you rarely see anyone discussing those either.

Was it part of a matched pair you keep in a bandolier over your Versaci suit coat?

I blame my age, but I am constantly surprised to learn how early Mr. Jones came out. I feel like I heard it most between the ages of 8 and 10 in both radio and television airplay, and…well, that wasn't exactly 1994.

I was just about to get SO MAD at your implication that Buckaroo Banzai is a bad movie, and then I read the rest of your post. Suspenseful AND factually accurate!

I'll thank you not to discuss my father that way!

I've always sort of gotten the impression the rest of the Sunny cast either doesn't have the time or the need for other stuff right now? Charlie shows up in some stuff here and there, but other than Glenn Howerton appearing in some weird internet videos and Rob McElhenny being on LOST for like an hour total, they all

Sounds frighteningly similar to my hometown in Michigan, give or take some juggalos.

Between Tigers Jaw and The Menzingers, there's at least two bands from Scranton with new albums this year that I really like, and I guess I still find the idea of bands being from Scranton funny. I blame being influenced by what I see on television!

Tigers Jaw and Dads would be a hell of a lineup, but I'm going to assume they're not playing near me.

Is there a Disqus option to rasta-fy your account?

It was either that or walk-in spirits!

How long does it take the parents to notice something's up? And do most of them give a shit?

Is it just homeless people? I've heard it used in reference to plain ol' degenerates, like hardcore drug users and the like.

When was this? I picked up a Lawrence Block short story collection at a thrift store not long ago and I friggin' loved it.