
I look at the job boards. Haven’t see that in my line of work. The jobs in TX seem to pay +/- 2% of CA wage. Plus, many CA employers are allowing good employees to move and keep their salary. It is a cheap incentive to keep good employees. 

Your mileage may vary.

While I usually roll my eyes when conspiracy theorists get guest spots on podcasts and shows, I’m ok with alien conspiracy theorists. I’ll give Danica a pass with this one. There’s a lot we don’t yet know about the universe. As crazy as alien conspiracy theorists sound to some, I take their views as science fiction,

I’m not advocating for the insurance companies, my experiences have been mostly positive, but there’s definitely a disincentive to use one’s policy to make a claim.

Getting a new policy after a few claims is quite tough. That shouldn’t be the case.

That’s like telling your kids that honesty is the best policy, but

However, Texas has no state income tax. So, if a family making say $500k takes their remote jobs to Austin from The Bay Area, or SoCal, they are getting a $50k increase income by not having to pay Cali income tax.

In parts of California the Mello-Roos penalty puts property tax on par with many parts of Texas.


The youngest were, as you stated. However, those who are now in their early, and some approaching their mid-40s, the Millennials are both contributors to and victims of the housing crisis. 

Concert/venue/sports concessions have always been pricey, but I would separate the cost of the concessions from that of the tickets.

Same goes for just about any ball game or theme park. The prices of these concessions have increased because people are willing to pay the price.

In DOT approved containers, then, at home I to then pour into my new Huracán Sterrato. My car. My choice. 

As someone who grew up in a zip code famous for wealth, flash, status, and image, I can attest that some parents probably support your example. However, I know many families who were wealthy, but not dumb with their money and provided their children with the gift of financial acumen. 

Interesting take, however Cash for Clunkers was 2009. I’d like to see more evidence of this supposition because that money in and of itself would precede the 2016 election cycle by too many years to be an answer. I think the 2016 election was lost by the Dems for many reasons, but residual effects of the Cash for

That might be a good deal if you can lock in a certain price per gallon. 

If the dealer is using 3M products, they do hold up a bit better than the cheapy ones from Amazon. 

If this were Twitter I’d reply with the “Take my money” meme from Futurama.

Cars, with only a few exceptions are commodity products and should be priced accordingly. I agree that Tesla has figured this out better than the traditional OEM/Dealer model. 

The next PT Cruiser?

Good theory, but I wouldn’t blame the parents in the same way you’re implying. There are many, many things wrong at a societal level that have not resulted in a culture of smart money.

To each their own. There can be many a beater had at low prices, but a low price, especially on a vehicle that has passed through decades and many owners, may not indicate a good value, or a smart purchase.

Sometimes you just need to exercise patience, save a little more, and not make a hasty purchase.

Unless you’re a broke teen driver who can spend evenings and weekends sorting through pick-n-pulls and wrenching on a beater, it often doesn’t make sense to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Sure, it takes some discipline,

Oy vey. Thank you for the advice. 

I was strictly referring to US states. The standards vary widely from state to state. In NJ, the state-run inspection stations yield no mercy, and fail at will, or at least they used to in the 1990s. NY in many parts hold both safety and emissions in high regard, increasing failure chances. Good thing NYC doesn’t fail

This is a great idea, however $5k for a solid enough YJ isn’t going to happen.

The YJ is great, and the square lights are special. They were great in their time, and the later gen models 93+ before they moved to the TJ were simple and tough. The 4.0 1-6 and factory gearing has plenty of grunt. That motor, and a 5-speed