
Clear PPF can essentially achieve the same result, or actually a better result. I’m even more impressed with the colored PPF wraps that are becoming more popular.

PPF is a different material than what’s typically used for wraps. It has a longer projected lifespan too. 

I’m curious why this EV is sporting a gas tank on that rack?

That’s interesting.

I wonder how many other commonly misused words phrases happen because people hear them rather than read them?

For all intensive purposes” comes to mind. My guess is most people haven’t read the proper phrase, which is “for all intents and purposes.”

Thank you for saying utmost, and not upmost. 

You capitalized apples, as Apples. You’re an iPhone user? 

No, customers do not deserve to be taken advantage of.

The average American reads at a 7th or 8th grade reading level.

Financial literacy is not common in the general public as it seems to be among the population of blog commenters.

Even with the TILA document, it can be easy to not pay too much attention to it as the

I wonder if these smaller, family-owned dealership networks are on the whole, better or worse than the dealerships owned by the large conglomerates?

If your career in posting your opinions to the comments sections of auto blogs isn’t working out the way you had dreamed of, you have the type of profile that would be a hit over at OAN. 

You can provide all the links you like. Flat Earthers, Ancient Astronaut Theorists and Anti-Vaxxers have plenty of links they bombard people with too. You are free to believe what you like. 

You’ve added nothing of value to this thread, and you only make it worse when you keep coming back with your nonsense replies.

Your use of profanity and insults might make you feel good, but they aren’t a good look on you, and have zero impact on me.

Your use of the word, “literally” illustrates that we are not on the

You must be the life of every party!

I had already made my point and you’ve not added anything to credibly refute me.

If I said 6+3=9, you’d probably tell me I’m wrong that that the only correct equation is 8+1=9.

What will come of those weekend morning events where people get together over their vehicles while they sip caffeinated beverages?

If those Mustang drivers come trained, those meetups will be far less entertaining. 

What a wonderful departure angle. I’m sure that wouldn’t be a problem, ever. 

Your comments have not made the least bit of sense.

You’re joking right? There’s so much wrong with your Costco example that it is clear you’re not looking to have an objective conversation.

I am still not sure what you intend to gain from your argument and weak attempts at insults. Keep them coming if you think that is a good use of your time. 

It was purposely excluded.

I don’t blame the big manufacturers. They can’t survive off of appeasing small, yet vocal groups of people who want highly specialized things that don’t appeal to the masses. The overwhelming majority of vehicles are appliances or tools. They’re purposeful and practical, and have a rather utilitarian existence.


But is Texas committed to freedom?

I guess Kei vehicle owners will see how much freedom they have when they try to abort a part of their vehicle they do not want.

Freedom is a function of political interest and a money trail that leads to someone lining their pockets. Kei vehicle owners have a friend in a high place

So wrong. Just wait til that VTEC kicks in. 30% extra horsepower.