
What Elio could have been.

The price is off by a number of decimal places in the wrong direction.

At $250 I’m in. At $25k, maybe the Petersen can pick it up and put it in the vault. They could create a collection of one-hit wonders/flops. I’d go to that show. 

Who is responsible for estimating lifetime savings of an EV over an ICE cop car? $300k? I’d like to see the calculations. My guess is that there’s a gross overestimation in the savings. Also, and shame on me for not caring to read all of this post and the underlying source info, but are Tesla’s up to cop car use and

The Blackwood is a step in the right direction, and perhaps ahead of its time, but also poorly executed on a number of fronts. Hindsight is 20/20, and particularly so after 20+ years of automotive evolution in taste and tech.

Only 2WD? What? 
Mostly familiar F-150 interior (Though the Navigator didn’t seem to suffer)

I didn’t consider the difference between eCVT and a standard CVT. I hadn’t considered that angle. I’ve only had hybrids and plug-in hybrids vehicles with an CVT, which as you’ve now pointed out are eCVTs and fundamentally different.

Thank you. The unnecessary stereotyping of CVTs as inferior needs to stop. If I’m not buying a car with a manual transmission, I couldn’t care less how the automatic is configured. 

Is it probable cause to pull over a BMW if they are using their turn signals? It could be the real reason why the 7 series was pulled over.

That’s a broad generalization and probably not as inclusive as you may think. But first, what do you consider rich? Net worth? Income? Both? What’s the threshold for rich?

Uninvolved parents exist everywhere across the socioeconomic spectrum. One’s wealth isn’t a determinant whether or not one cares about bringing up

In Virginia of all places. Just ask Patrick George why you don’t want to speed in VA. But to speed, wreck, and nearly kill an officer of the law? This isn’t a good start to adult life for this young man. 

The immediate comparison I made in my head is the same as what was made in the article. This is the automotive equivalent of Ikea furniture. It is good enough for a place in someone’s life. It is also disposable, and not meant to move with you as you upgrade your lifestyle. It can be sold on Facebook marketplace for

I lived in an area where the shopping mall rarely had an open parking spot on weekdays. If you had to run into the mall and pickup some Nespresso grand crus, you might have to circle the lot multiple times to find a spot. Your 5 minute Nespresso trip became a 30 minute trip.

Here’s the thing, walk into the mall and it

This is true. Personal finance and a fundamental understanding of money, savings, investments, credit and debt are lacking.

A quack? Hardly. In fact, once you peel back the evangelical Christian veneer his approach is a simple (not necessarily easy) way to help people return to some semblance of control over their financial security.

His audience is often the evangelical church crowd, and part of his own evangelical approach to finance,

I feel your pain mate.

Good points. In a multi-car household where money isn’t an issue, EVs have a place. I hear all of the arguments for resetting expectations and changing habits, or not being worried about range, but in each of those situations the tradeoffs for my household to have an EV outweigh the benefits if it is to be our

California is one of the best places to drive a car. At least SoCal is a great place. The annual registration costs are unreasonable, but insurance is fair. The mostly good all-year weather enables the use of summer/performance tires. A seemingly general lack of speed patrols ensure you won’t rack up tickets.


Not at all a fair question. That’s like asking someone which of their children is their favorite.

Also, I just want to read the comments here.

I keep a running log of hash marks for all of the sanctimonious people who still hold the sandwich incident over Jezza’s head.

I for one, miss the new old Top Gear with the

I’ve never resorted to meme profilication until now, but I think it represents the real dilemma of the EV business. EVs are great. I am not against them, but they’re not yet an ICE replacement. The input materials, capacity, weight, and charging limitation of batteries are still not practical at scale, and as a

GM and other auto OEMs, I can definitively say that a lack of CarPlay availability will absolutely disqualify your vehicles from my consideration set.

I don’t want workarounds, compromises, aftermarket hacks, or any risk of incompatibility by not having CarPlay. While they may feel that their solution is compelling,

I don’t know, this may not be entirely bad. I’m not betting against the Ultium platform just because it comes from GM.

I know there are some people who like to unfairly dump on Honda these days, but I would imagine that they’ve done the due diligence necessary to ensure that this isn’t going to actually sully their

A few things you should know:

I’m the narrator and this is just the prologue.