
Because a phone number solves all problems... 

That sounds complicated. Why not just shoot him in the gut and be done with it at that point?

One time i tried to fart and i ended up shitting myself. I believe you have me confused with someone else

Nope, I was just taught how to treat people decently. People who are nice to others can still be fun

Sign Adam Sandler to do another 6 movies or whatever. I’m sure that’ll help haha

I don’t give a shit about you insulting Texas, you were insulting a person you don’t even know based on his/her avatar. By your own admission your house is a worthless shithole so maybe just move on. 

Then don’t live there jackass.

No wonder you had to make a new burner, you’re a real bucket of diarrhea. You’re not making you or your state look any better with this shit slinging. 

That’s a strange loophole. Maybe their keeping in jail so they have time to unlock it. That wouldn’t be unreasonable with a loop hole like that and enctyption being so good. It’s not cool if people can just have anything on their phone and not have to worry about it

Who cares about this crap? I barely have enough time to worry about myself let alone some guy who’ll never give a damn about me

I was under the impression that the search warrant also included the phone. I wouldn’t give up either, i won’t let a cop in without a search warrant but if they have one they coming in whether i like it or not. 

I didn’t really care for the gameplay i saw of it. I was looking forward to a more slower paced game like COD 2

Calling someone a snitch and a low life anonymously over the internet on a weak ass blog site, real tough guy you are huh? What the fuck did i do to you and what makes you think you know me? I even said i wouldn’t out my dealer, not that i have one anymore that shit is junk. I’ve taken the hit on just under an ounce

74 is still too hot to be out in the sun for me. In the shade it’s perfect

Motherfucker you wouldn’t know if i literally hadn’t just told you. Nice powers of observation twat waffle. I’m the first to say fuck cops i hope they get cancer and die, but if there’s a choice between going to jail and not going to jail guess which one i’ll choose. 

Fuck that, i used to dabble with weed and if i got caught like that i wouldn’t out my dealer but i wouldn’t be scared if they somehow tracked his ass down. And the texts we used were pretty safe. I wouldn’t buy weed from my weed dealer if he was scary. I’d find someone else cause there’s a dime a dozen. 

At this point, they obtained a search warrant. That’s when i would give up and unlock the damn phone. 

I prefer the “If you come at the king, you best not miss”- Omar the terror. 

Harley is trash anyway. Pretty much every other motorcycle brand has a better lineup.

wow that gif is truly amazing. jim carries face haha