
The fact that a bit of hyperbole, said to a ref while trying to illustrate the size difference between two players, has been made into a scandal gives another reason for people to think the WNBA is a joke.

I’d imagine these are big in construction, manufacturing, welding, and many other circles like that. My dad was a construction foreman and his company provided similar phones to important people on job sites.

As long as Scarlett Johansson is a fervent Woody Allen defender, I’m not paying to see anything that she is in. That woman does not care the Allen raped his 7-year-old daughter, because much like Dianne Keaton, Johansson credits Allen with boosting her career.
Does anyone need reminding about Johansson whining about

How’s it feel to have your tongue so far up Elon’s ass that you can taste his breakfast?

No no, that wasn’t a question. A simple statement that you are a repulsive little shit. I don’t really have much more to say on the topic since I literally cannot understand the mindset of someone who celebrates the death of a 24-year old because of a fucking internship that the person had.  I hope, since it is the

“must have reliable internet connection”

I spent an hour on the phone with Apple this week about this issue. They wanted me to pay $200 to replace the buds even though their own system couldn’t populate warranty info (I had bought them at the Apple Store). This is despite the second-level service tech saying she could see that I’ve spent over $7k on Apple

Unless it can 3D-print meat, I’m just not interested.

If you ever took a proper typing class they teach you to type with the numbers on the top row, it also doubles as learning how to type efficiently with the symbols. The number pad is useless. Instead of dissing on someone’s job maybe you should learn how to type.

Yes? What are you saying, that people can’t care about more than one thing at a time? That bad things happening in one part of the world cancel out the bad things happening in another part of the world? Or are you saying that in order to express concern over one bad thing, we have to simultaneously express concern for

And when you run out of Febreeze, chuck the bottle into the Arctic. Simple.

They found that 65% of them had microfibers in them—up to 63 fibers per fish. But strangely, even though nearby sediment had lots of denim fibers, only a single fiber found in a single fish was made of indigo-dyed denim.

He hired a stuntman to deliberately crash that car. He is known to have done a few fakes in the past, like pretending to have connected his aventador to some xbox controllers to play forza.
He’s wearing a red short for the whole thing, but the inside shot when the car crash, whoever is driving wears a black

I mean, not to be a pedant, but Spanish is a language of thieves and enslavers, too. Spain went pretty hard on the colonization crimes against humanity. 

No one is going to start splitting hairs on what food is or is not deemed essential right now. It’s a fun road to go down to suddenly start dictating what kind of nutrition is essential, but eventually you’ll declare Snickers non essential and everyone will basically say “fuck you.”

It can also come off completely disingenuous to say sorry and not talk about how you are going to do better. I personally don’t ever want to hear an apology without how the next steps that will be taken to improve.

Did you plan on buying a used Mercedes F1 car before this?

You should have thought long and hard before writing this and then wrote something else. This is fucking embarrassing and silly. 

They’re actually retconning it so that Shia Labeouf is Indy’s dad, and Sean Connery is Indy’s son. Labeouf will be digitally aged up for the film and Connery will be aged down. Indiana Jones will be the same age as he was in Crystal Skull, but Ford will also be playing Indy’s estranged twin brother West Virginia Jones