
She has rich parents so either way i’m sure she would have been fine 

We have about %43 of earths land surface covered by humans including indirectly via agriculture. That is not a tiny percentage. 

You need to relax. I know plenty of people who are Jicarria Apache and they’re thriving. Many of them are doctors and business owners making their own way in this world just like everybody else. No one is going to give you anything, if you want something you gotta take it. 

How is that going to help with overpopulation? 

If it’s that deadly (100% death rate) then its going to kill faster than it can spread and will wipe itself out.

I mean, people are worse than animals. People kill for fun, or for sport, they also torture

Humanity will perish before the sun dies so there’s that to be thankful for. And even if not we’d have evolved into into different species after different species until we wouldn’t be remotely recognizable as the humans we are today.

Wait, so you wouldn’t ever switch out your nintendo switch and use whatever valve is developing on a day by day decision? that seems like a reasonable solution. I’d think not having the purchase power for both to be a better complaint then that.
For a different perspective I’d like a mobile device that is steam based,

I guess thats one way, or you can think about the poor fuck in pakistan working 16 hours a day to make $60 a month

Uh, I think you’re missing the point. like entirely.
The video is made for entertainment which it’s probably succeeding at.

You have zero idea what you’re talking out. Zero. 

From what I understand the most promising method is to wrap an asteroid in a tin foil like material in order for it to be propelled out of the way by solar radiation. there’s just no way of doing that. 

So you want cops to have a 4-year degree and 6+ months of academy to make 50k a year? In my industry I know people who only have a Comptia A+ cert that make more than that.

A lot of Home Depot’s business is from professionals/contractors who aren’t gonna stop shopping there. Unless there is a viable replacement which there is not in many places. Big contracting companies have national accounts with Home Depot.

You could say the same thing about any of their competiors really, difference is this is the worlds most valuable company possibly being ransomed 

maybe cause she has more than 4 gigs of ram

Don’t worry all the temp contractors working in high traffic environments will get theirs after you still. And they don’t even have health insurance.

Well no but it does make it incorrect. If it was as easy as someone being like “hey lets just not allow kids to ever have access to guns” then this problem would have been fixed a long time ago. 

There’s over 300 million people in the U.S. and over 400 million guns.

it kind of is unrealistic with just the sheer amount of guns there are in the US and more being sold everyday + the amount of bad parents there are.