
Grind em on a rough stone. done and done. 

A pro streamer is often on a team being trained. They also practice far more than a pro basketball player. They also have requirments to maintain their viewership and win tournaments. If you’re really good at the game, like .01% good you’ll start getting a huge following within a few weeks. 

If you’re really good at the game. like .01% percentile good, you’ll get a huge following within a few weeks. 

How is it any different thank acting, or music or any of that shit. Some people have real jobs, some people don’t. Some lucky fucks never have jobs at all

Swing away Ethyl. Wait wtf was his name in that?

I’m a military guy. We don’t give a shit about where you come from. Black, white, brown, gay, straight. I don’t care”
BULLSHIT. I had an aquiantance that went to the military, as soon as i saw him back from his 2-4 years or whatever he had become intolerant and openly racist. Haven’t spoken to him since. 

The dentists i know buy practical cars

Can’t argue with that. Haha all your comments are trash, nothing of value to add you just call everyone idiots or tell them to slit their wrists. 

I take it self preservation hasn’t given you a swift kick in the ass lately. 

There is, lots of different energy sources use heat. fossil fuels, nuclear they all use steam turbines. solar arrays, Sterling engines. Its not hot enough to push a steam turbine, and there’s not a heat difference to make a sterling engine. 

Na, don’t underestimate the abrahamic religions. That’s how they get you. 

Atleast PETA is doing something. They do a bunch of stupid shit and i’m not against slaughter and eating meat but i am against torture in a world where animal torture is normal.

Was gonna say something, but your already got thoroughly and justifiably owned in the comments.

So you’re saying you can’t be a hero that’s beats people up with bats? 

Techniques are being honed at great expense. 

What pissed me off so much about GTA 5 was the speed limiter. All cars limited to like 120mph? had to get a mod to fix that

There’s racist fucks all over. 

Whatever you say “mate”

That’s racist. 

mhmm sure thing bud