
I didn’t start the snark, Alex did and I replied to her. You had nothing to do with it. I could elaborate more on how its good and free but I just wanted to point out how much she hates something that she doesn’t have to play or pay for. I could see being upset at a game you spent money on and it was a

I was making a joke to match your level of snark. Like i don’t know things can be free and bad lol. If you can’t take it don’t dish it out. RIP

Like your mom? lol totally set yourself up.

Words cannot describe how much i hate that stupid fucking spoiler.

that video made me uncomfortable. That was the worst aiming i’ve ever seen.

Show me a game with better netcode and i’ll play it. PUBG has shit netcode, tarkov shit netcode, all these new fps’s have shit netcodes. Fortnite has the best netcode in the gaming world right now and they keep improving it. Go play your magic neckbeard. Us people with actual reflexes got games to play.

I love how much you hate fortnite even though it’s totally free to play.
That second paragraph was actually some toxic nonsense. Just because you suck at the game and can’t win doesn’t mean it’s not good, people like winning. There’s a little taste of your own toxicity.

For a game that is FREE like totally FREE to play it gets a ton of shit. I like fortnite a bit, not very good at it but its good. Infact i played it a lot more than i played that POS Sea Of Thieves and it was free compared to dropping $60

Just woke up, but that’s enough cheese for today.

Yep, damn straight.

People Magazine makes news about real life.
Parks n rec is a sitcom.

Because there’s a difference between a fictional show and real life? Just a guess.

Articles like these really make despise my own humanity, why bother

Nice % you pulled directly from your ass.

That’s right, all men were men before 2007. Praise stalin!

White Knight Nathan Grayson; you are mistaking some things. It all started with Dice claiming “historical accuracy” with it’s title, it’s only after that they got shit on for getting history wrong. Nothing to do with women or POC. Dice could have came out and said this is just fiction and it would be good.

“Brown-nosing who?” Elon Musk/Tesla
Not sure why you’d do that either but here we are.
sycophantic tendencies without any promise of reward; it happens.
I’m mostly calling you out because you think Tesla make great cars, lul.

They’ll just blame satanists like usual.

Do you get an award for brown nosing that hard?