
You can make outdoor time for your cats, either supervised or fenced or whatever. That’s a shitty excuse to let something that has its life in your hands for you to not even give a shit about it. Why even have a pet at that point? if the neighborhood shit head gets his hands on your cat and starts torturing it or some

“takes off and does what he wants” Another shitty cat owner. Pets need to be illegal.

For me it was vice versa, didn’t get into till half a season later

who cares lol?

South Park did that disney episode pretty well

“Seneca goes as far to say that they are probably happier than the wealthy because they have fewer concerns weighing on their mind” Really? i always thought it was nice how the rich don’t have to worry about their debt and medical bills. Rich people don’t have to worry about not having money for food, or bills, or

Instead of fired he resigned. One of the reasons why i’ll never trust pigs.

One of my favorite things to drink was whole milk, but as i got older i drank it less and found soy milk to be better all around except for that nice fatty lactic taste, but i hated throwing away spoiled milk. I still eat plenty of cheese and yogurt though. Soy milk has really grown on me, and its cheaper too.

I agree; That is an unpopular opinion

“most of them are trained to do their job, and face consequences if they don’t do it well enough.” lolol

can this video stream without buffering every 2 seconds REEEEEEEE

I thought only rich people could get enough sleep?

“I’m a member of a number of private groups that advertise jobs” how does one become a member to find these secret jobs?

Because they’re totally different things? And discord are assholes too and they’ll probably be even more so in the future.

I feel like you got a degree in being petty

SNL hates black people. And mexicans.

“left it in the hands of the Mt. Gox online exchange, which then lost it.”

SAME SAME SAME. All i can say is F-YOU Mt. Gox. Hindsight is the worst sometimes.

Eh, something tells me the trapper got the last laugh.

Every country that has the resources does this on a daily basis.

But will it sync up with my broken mac book pro lol?