
People love that torture rap tho. His album will kill it

Jalopnik= Privileged men with money. Who else fucks with fancy cars?

you also don’t need to shoot someone 117 times to kill them, but here we are.

You can totally cover your tattoos as an ex gang member, lots of people do it, just sayin.

I tried one of those $40 bidets from amazon, it was trash. I’ll stick to good ol tp. Some people cant afford fancy ass toilets

It’s pointless to carry a firearm without it chambered, incidents often happen before you’d have the chance to chamber one. Not only that you want to remove all variables in a high stress situation; fumbling around with a slide. And honestly, this is firearms 101. This is America.

This is why the mute button exists, it gives you the power to mute someone. How magical! and yet you don’t know how to use it.

This is why the mute button exists, it gives you the power to mute someone. How magical! and yet you don’t know how to use it.

Yeah if i heard without purposefully listening to it i’d probably enjoy it some. It has a pleasant vibe

For a second i thought this was buzzfeed. The world is offensive, what you gonna do about it

I like the Gorrilaz but damn that was a boring song

why does every hillbilly look exactly the same? is the gene pool really that small?

I feel like this is a real possibility if he gets doxxed and doesn’t hide well enough. Get his evil face out there for everyone to see

I think that’s a pretty fair assessment, he’s probably also “hunted” a lot of animals for fun. I’m curious about his family.

If there isn’t going to be anything the law can do then there needs to be some natural justice. Some Punisher type shit

“I got on the horn with the counselor and we worked on getting her some transportation” like a school bus maybe?

I see, now you’re repenting your sins. Good for you. I hope the woman you assaulted feels the same relief. lol im just trolling but why would you admit that

“You don’t want to be shifting gears when the apocalypse rolls in.” Seriously? I can’t imagine an apocolypse without a 6 speed manual with a skull shifter.

Clearly y0u know something no one else does, get this man the next flight out to Hawaii.

Of all the cool videos you could of linked you linked that one? FAIL