
I didn’t really see anything about gamergaters. what did i miss?

They kind of did though, in multiple interviews.

Why of course, you’re right and everyone else is wrong.

I would be impressed if you could form a proper sentence.

To be fair it that was me i’d have no problem with my nudes leaking out. If it was me me i’d be angry and embarrassed and fuck.

Wait I thought we all decided it was just a bad date, according to jez and what not.

If only it was next to a Lottaburger, so much better.

it only took fucking forever.

lol at the humblebragging mom

You get used to it.

Oh lord, kill it with fire. don’t look at it.

No you can’t do that because it’s ok to have some types of hate but not others.

This is kotaku, should of thought of that before posting that lengthy useless text.

Fuck Trump supporters and their enablers. Yeah you’re one of em, who would want to be on your side?

Just when I think the far right is the worst someone like you has to come out of the shadows. I don’t know what makes you think its appropiate. You have him made out to be like some kind of adolf hitler organizing an ethnic cleansing. Someone who didn’t know him and read your post would think he was some kind of

I like how you call them “acquaintances” lol. Pig sympathizer.

My original moto g is still up and kicking doing what all other phones do. I just have to be careful not to open to many tabs but i do most of my work on my desktop.

My original moto g is still up and kicking doing what all other phones do. I just have to be careful not to open to many tabs but i do most of my work on my desktop.

In my state its fairly common to conceal carry without a permit, i mean it was in his car. it’s common knowledge that if the stand your ground law applies then the conceal carry is just background noise.

I’d bet money that the reason it attacked humans was human related anyway.