
It’s going to be Elysium unless you let everyone on it. In which, not enough room.

You obviously didn’t watch the video.

Let me guess; $200 to get your $15 book re-bound

The police squad cars say ‘Pigeon Forge’ on the side, i like to read it as ‘Pigeon Force’

Rosario Dawson/Zoe Saldana>>> Emma Watson

Hermione>>> Emma Watson


beer basted boar ribs

Jobs that can be automated, should be automated. Stopping the progress of technology is a horrible idea, just ask any macroeconomics teacher. And i use the self-check out all the time and never have a problem, except if i buy kool aid packages, damn things aren’t heavy enough.

You might be shot in the back of the head by isis if you’re an old man or something. God help you if you’re an attractive girl or a young man.

You don’t want to be a civilian caught in the middle of a war.

An assault rifle doesn’t have a definitive definition. To me it’s a rifled weapon that’s capable of inflicting a large amount of damage in a short amount of time. That definition could fit into semiautomatic weapons with large capacity magazines, truth is you could probably do just as good assaulting with a semi-auto

I was speaking of the character Trevor. Not the actor, i’m not disparaging Jared Leto’s acting ability.

Trevor would make Leto’s Joker his little bitch like Wade.

Rape/torture, kill, Pillage. In that order.

Hahaha. they rip off the cut here tattoo straight from GTA. It is a pretty sweet nihilistic tattoo gotta admit.

But isn’t that how you recycle laptops?

Tesla sounds a lot better than EQ. Not that it means anything. When i think of EQ i think of equalizers

Sure you say that now.

That’s an excellent post. But I can’t help but feel there’s a double standard since feminists get in an uproar about fat shaming.