
Sure if the headline didn’t have the word ‘turkey’. But it does.

If the headline didn’t include the word ‘turkey’, then i could see the joke.
And who wants to look a grotesque taxidermy dog? Others seem to agree.

Hudson trying to bury his embarrassing Suicide Squad post with some stinky shit.

This is an article about thanksgiving. Furthermore there’s nothing about eating dogs in it. I don’t know what thanksgiving has to do with Asians eating dogs, but maybe that’s because of my primitive comprehension, kid.

Dude seriously needs to step up his game or get fired. Post after post of garbage. Hudson is the new laughing stock of Gizmodo. I bet the other writers love him taking all the flak though.

That’s a terrible proposal and you should feel bad for it.

What does asia have anything to do with this? Fuck i ungreyed you by commenting. My bad everyone.

And then China or Russia can conquer it for their own.

Sort of.

I find repetition to hardly ever be that funny.

How many pictures did you need to post to get your point across?

Did she lay into her dad for her abusive father directing in the shining? His abusiveness even caused Duvall to lose her hair. I don’t think “Dr”.phil went that far

That’s fucking stupid.

That’s fucking stupid.

NM has the hulk! Bring it on!

Yeah the OnePlus is definitely on my short list. That sounds like a good idea. I’m at the point with this phone where i just don’t even care if it breaks so i can just get a new one, but it just keeps ticking.

It does everything i need. phone calls, texting, Google maps, games, movies, the processor is snappy enough for any application i need, the ram is adequate enough for me, i cant have too many tabs open but that’s fine, because i know how to close tabs i don’t need. the 720p screen in beautiful and doesn’t drain my

I have yet to be hit hard enough as a grown man to actually cry, i know its going to happen at some point though. it’s inevitable. A kidney stone or motorcycle wreck will get me.

I ran mine over with a 4 wheeler and it’s still fine. Dropped it in a puddle. Dropped it getting out of my car like a thousand times. Left it in the sun all day. Thing is a beast.

The difference is you just tested yours, I use mine daily, drop it all the time. Just because it’s old doesn’t mean it can’t use google maps or games or really anything i need it for. So Explain to me how its crap.

People loved the shit out of Star wars force awakens. But i thought it was mediocre at best. There i said it, burn me at the stake. Or better yet, strangle me with the force.