
that ratio is terrible, you end up wasting “black boxing” half the screen away

that ratio is terrible, you end up wasting “black boxing” half the screen away

it was , Palmer did it via kickstarter mainly due to the fact he though he could do better.

you can be sure of one thing, there is shenanigans going on here, If not straight up money laundering, then it could be something like what goes on in the fringe collecting genres, where the company or people looking to make big money in said genre, start “buying” from each other at outrageous sums n order to get free

thats what I would do to be honest if no other cars were around

because why wouldnt she just gamble using a real gambling app?  are they not available in Austalia?  In the US you can gamble for real on your phone, pretty much anytime anywhere.

yes they do, they need to disguise themselves since there are REAL gambling apps all over the place that do pay out real money. The US is now flooded with them.

Yes, there are some weapon balancing issues, and some server issues, and bugs, but there is something special under it all. The world is gorgeous and alive, the world sfx are the best I have ever experienced in a game. So yeah, there is a foundation here for a really special game, now the real issue is can the Amazon

and even worse is the watermarking, so at end game players have basically a 500 watermark with 600 being the best for armor and weapons. So when you do get a drop it will only be at your watermark or slightly above. The Watermark system is in place to MAKE you grind these elite areas to slowly improve your armor. SO

hell I could watch Olivia Newton John read the phone book back in the day. One of the prettiest humans ever.

cracks me up that people are complaining about games trying or not trying to teach diversity etc. WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT. These games glorify violence, so why dont we start there.

you catch a cop in a bad mood, you’ll get ticketed for it.  It can cause traffic jams for no reason, anyway the point remains, ITS not a myth.

degrees IMHO are meaningless in software, Either you can do your job or you cant, and if you cant, unless your management, you’ll be exposed in a week.

not otherwise. QA is seen as critical and paid very well in other software genres.

this is where software game devs get it ALL wrong. In other lines of business software where bugs could cause social unrest, deaths, mayhem, and more, we all realize QA is CRITICAL and one of the MOST important areas of software dev. Software game dev always fall back on the lazy ass excuse, well its just a game, and

wow, what a load of crap. The whole non “discoverability” of “experiences” is a GIANT red flag. Shady as Fock..Disgusting corporate money grab fleecing CHILDREN

I’ll stick with my custom c6. 750 hp/ 720 torque.

I think it has more to do with where you do it and the intentions of the group of people. 

umm bullshit, we did this in college in a haunted house. The thing started moving with no one touching it. Witnessed by half a dozen people. Explain that... and not just a little movement, it whipped around the board for a good few seconds until everyone freaked and bolted around the room. It messed me up good, very

humans are tribal, we identify by our class, or race, our gender, our beliefs, our likes and dislikes etc etc. People who fall outside these things are considered “them”. It cracks me up people think others could be or should be “pure” of thought. NONE of us are. The difference now is some are dumb enough to leave a

yeah, sure, the confederate flag on one npcs shirt is what people will find offensive in these games. Cut me a break. The entire game is offensive, thats the point of the game. Thats why we enjoy playing them , because in these games you get to break all of societies written and unwritten rules.