
just adding to the links of their debt chain

walk more, buy an electric bike, car pool, etc.

Its ugly, not in a good way, but an ugly way. Its not so ugly that its cute, its just ugly. U G L Y

I agree, but the thing is, there is NOTHING funny about jail, nadda, nothing.

awful people?!?  I bet most people would KILL to have 3 close friends like they all had. They were there for each other all the time, so they werent pc and disingenuous like most people, thats what made them so LIKEABLE.

That finale was TERRIBLE,  pure garbage Jerry.  Such a great series really blew it with it that one.

Just another Big Brother move toward dystopia

its called touring aka a rally? where are you trying to get to so fast? you have a fast car, who cares, everyone has a fast car. You cant fix stupid

Umm Blockbuster is on line 1?  they said something about just fold up shop, you are done.

sounds strange to me. Since in Software dev most of your cost is tied up in labor, as your employees brain and skills are your tools and assets. So where does all the money go? 6 billion in revenue should EASILY afford very nice salaries for 5000 people,

cost are basically fixed in software, so giveaways doesnt cost you a THING.

why are people still talking about an entertainer that peaked 40 years ago?

save me the track car crap, most of drag strips and public access race tracks have been closing these last couple decades, so lets stop acting as if this is the 1950s, all these high HP cars are for is willy waging. I mean how many people actually race and carry the extra insurance?  know or tune their cars to race

like the front and back, the profile however, ewww,,, way too jagged and half azz looking window, big miss imho.

Doesnt matter, have you listened to the improved AI speaking voices coming next year, Alexa LLM sounds like a real person, these actors will not be needed much longer.

the more consolidation there is, the more corporate crap enters the space and ruins gaming for all of us.

why do these cops still have a job,  i mean it takes more time to train barbers than cops, they arent anything special. Fire these guys and hire new ones.

making it even easier for the corps to eliminate your jobs.

Having a bunch of old people vote and make rules for tech they obviously dont understand nor have a clue about, sure, what can go wrong..

does it have a monorail, since most schemes like this have a monorail.. monorail.. MONORAILLLL