
whatever he gets is gonna have dog hair, and a child seat and that weird ass smell that never goes away.  nice ride...not

with a kid or kids on the way and a giant dog.... dude you cant have a nice car right now in your life. Not unless the kid(s) and dog never ever ride in it. Facts.

yep soon every team will be demanding that people play a certain character a certain way and any deviation from that “best way to play” will get you yelled at and trolled. 

not collectibles, but sure on 99.99% of car sales, yes, they will lose value over time.

thats a ford GT that has NOTHING to do with normal used cars.  That a rare limited hard to find hard to buy new car.  Its a collectible.

 The market is a rigged casino, Im surprised how many think that it can only go up.

yep, cause if you cant afford to buy it, you arent going to be able to afford to maintain it. 

if the cash is king crowd is so wrong, why is it we can always buy our toys with cash?

Here is the deal, as people have said, if you cant pay cash for this toy, you cant afford it. Why? because paying for the car is just the start. You think 20 year old cars are totally reliable? Buying it is just the start. Fixing, maintaining and upgrading the car is what comes next and it wont be cheap. For the love

dont people ever get tired of just shooting shit?

all this crazy money is due to one thing, ( hint- its not reality) nope, instead all these inflated bonuses are due to the GIANT wall street bubble fueled by central banks which just continue to pump funny money into the market. This of course wont end well because you cant simply continue to pump fake fiat money into

nope, just look at how people stop in their tracks and jaws drop when exotic supercars make an appearance on a street.

why does fancy design mean fancy prices though?  a car design is a car design when it comes to a unibody.

pile of shame usually occur for me because of those Steam sales. Deals on games I want to play at some point, and if they are 40%off some weekend, why not buy them sit...around...for a ..year..or ... more........................

yeah, tough sh#t. How do you think the wildlife felt when people move into their habitats and wiped them out. F*ck these whiners, they are no better than the loud ass weekender flying through their “towns”.

well you know evs have only been around for 150 years so you know.. new tech and all.. smh

the game gets boring quick and the eating of people should be more fun than it is.  This game is a few nights of “fun” at best. 

some top dollar collectors may disagree with you

no worries, they’ll replace it with an EV that looks like it was designed by a 5 year old kindergartener playing with clay.

noone is saying drunk driving aka reckless driving shouldnt be enforced. We are saying cops dont need to pull people over for expired tags, brake light out, air fresheners hanging from rear view mirror, etc etc etc. All this can be noted and sent to owner of the car via mail. Warning first, fine second time.