please police work isnt even in the top 10 most dangerous professions. Should 7-11 clerks be armed too?
please police work isnt even in the top 10 most dangerous professions. Should 7-11 clerks be armed too?
if your upper middle class white guys, sure.. if you a young black male,, yeah good luck with that because it can all go sideways quick.
cop can type in your license as soon as he sees you, computer should tell him everything about you including any warrants. There is no need for them to pull you over to talk.
The answer is to simplify driving enforcement. Make it much more rare for a cop to be able to pull over anyone. They see a broken taillight, their computer can tell who the owner is in a second, have the computer send off a warning letter to the car owner, there done, no need for a stop.
yep, nothing like driving this nightmare on any road besides the largest highways, and then of course when you do reach your destination, you get to hook up a line filled with shit... yeah, I’ll pass. I’ll stick to flying and/or flying down the highway in a sports coupe all while blasting old 80s hair band music. Ah…
yes it is, its all about gaining some market share in order to satisfy the quants and for your stock to pop short term. Of course this is all due to the non stop backstop of central banks in the market, which cannot go one indefinitely. This is VERY late stage capitalism or perhaps you think these companies which…
is it me but Im pretty sure if you try, you could likely watch toyko drift 365 days a year. For some reason it ALWAYS seems to be on one station or another. Perhaps its syndication cost like 5 bucks so every station uses it as filler?
if it was a production company making women wear bikinis for views, OK thats wrong, but if the decision is made by the women themselves to wear and stream in a bathing suit, I see no problem.
found the game unnecessarily complex control and poor camera angles to take most of the fun out of the game. It should of been a lot more fun that it turned out to be. Talk about overbaking a good concept
dont use your debit card for anything online. Jesus people, Just asking for a nightmare. Use a credit card with cashback or other points. It adds up but more importantly if the card gets stolen, its the credit cards money and they will not hold you responsible. Put your debit card out there, its stolen, they clean you…
no , they’re really arent. People may try to portray multiple “characters” but underneath it all, there are only a few types of humans.
A Stop sign doesnt belong there thats the problem, a Yield sign belongs there.
I wish they would stop glorifying war, there is NOTHING redeeming in it..NOTHING.
thats the least of their worries. They have named one of their top truck brands SUPER DUTY... wtf... they literally spend money pushing a truck whos name sounds like a super piece of shit.
and if you gasp, dont carry a phone everywhere you go? what then?
you dont get it do you? This level of payouts and structure makes sure that ALL CEOs and corp officials care about is one thing.. short term stock bumps so they can cash out some stock options. THAT means they dont care about the long term health of the company, they dont care about employees, their families, the…
I think you way off and you make assertions such as cheaters spend a lot of money , with no proof.
its about building immersion and connection to the game and its environment. Menus do neither.
Due to a snow storm in 2021, we will miss our release date of 2015
the game is almost a half a decade past due and it still not out nor finished. I kickstarted this thing back in 2013.. 2013!!!!