exactly, the guy is embarrassing himself talking about things he obviously knows little about.
exactly, the guy is embarrassing himself talking about things he obviously knows little about.
you have no idea what you are talking about.
or it was just coded poorly.
its a poorly balanced game, the issues lie not in your gaming skills but the devs game making skills. Making a incredibly hard game is easy, making a fun balanced one is hard.
you dont need to “build” a gaming rig anymore. There are plenty of good off the shelf gaming pcs options and for under 1000 bucks. Dont be fooled by the articles and so forth that makes you believe you have to have all the latest versions of hardware in a pc, you dont.
a beta test means finding and weeding out the last of the large bugs in a software program. Usually these are just annoying as they may cause your software or system to crash or become unstable, or do other unpredictable things, now add in finding a bug at 60 mphs and suddenly its not annoying but deadly.
no it wouldnt. Good god, You NEVER want you car towed. You are asking for damage.
what are you talking about? if you could tap an app and have someone come out to charge you car with enough juice to get you to a charging station, it would cost you like 10 to 20 bucks. Why the fuck would you want you car towed... if you have a nice car you NEVER want it towed, you are just asking for damage.
makes more sense to simply make a much longer cord and have charging spaces spaced out among a lot, so an attendant doesnt even have to move a car to charge it
exactly, back in the day, no kid in high school had a safe dependable car like they all do today. Hell I had one friend who had 3 part mustangs and we would basically continually piece one together all the time just to get one that would start. I had a friend who had a old cherokee with terrible brakes and they would…
many consumers want to pretend. They lie about how great their life is on social media, and they lie about their lives with the vehicles they purchase. This isnt true of every purchase of course there are those that actually use the truck/car for its intended purpose, but I suspect those are in the vast minority.…
and thats why when going to the dealership, you have to be sure to control the conversation. Its much easier later in life when you know what you want, and you want a car, you dont need a car, and you have the cash to do it, you dont need any credit or anything from them other than the car at the price you want. if…
Please, if a company “broke down the walls’ it would only be because they have found an even better way to screw us.
umm, you do know in RP you can do anything you want. Roleplay as the worst freakin restaurant manger in the world. Why do you think you have to do anything well in RP, as long as you stay in character. You do know that everyone and everything in GTA is basically without morals and ethics. Its a shitshow city, why…
huh? it a gimmick used by car companies to artificially up the MPG. Its as annoying as fuck and not good for you car.. PERIOD.
bullshit, its annoying as hell but easy to turn off when you start the car. Sorry, but been around cras my whole life like many here, there is NO WAY that having you car constantly turn on and off is good for it.
yep, nothing like asking a bunch of guys and gals who dont know shit about tech to rule on complicated tech issues. Sure what could go wrong.
bingo, and its why it will get done but its a tightrope.
good god there are idiots EVRYWHERE
yeah, sure hes been in all of a little over a month, jesus H christ you people are fuckin stupid. The legislation has been written and is working its way through the process. stop acting so stupid.