you’re an asshole...just sayin
you’re an asshole...just sayin
not Germany, Australia, Ireland, Poland. Ever gone to a track? Maybe we want to do a quarter mile driving a lil faster than 85
again, why do you write for this site if you ask such nonsense?
dude, you need to go write for a bullwrap site or something, this is a car site. so if he hit them doing 85 instead of 100, things are all good? Cars like any other tool can be dangerous, thats life. Life is about living, not , not dying.
they are both entertainers, nothing more, nothing less.
why would you abandon the tech that will take over the industry this decade. You really think playing on a limited flat screen is the pinnacle of video gaming. You think playing an a 2d screen is as good as it gets. My god LOL
you are so short sighted, VR is the future of gaming. Flat 2d gaming days will be seen as quaint in 10 years.
Who scrapes ice? I really dont get these people, I have lived in the NE all my life and dealt with ice etc for decades and I dont get people who “scrape ice”. If you car is covered in ice or snow you simply have to get in the driver side door and turn the car on and then turn up the heat and defroster, then go back…
Seinfeld was painful as well
I love haggling with cars, not sure why. Im a large male so Im not about to be intimidated, I know cars well enough, I know finance, and I know sales, so I find the whole thing kinda fun. The only time I was thrown was the last time, we went to buy my wife her two seater Mercedes bucket list car. We knew exactly what…
they’ll upsell anyone they think they can, usually women. Same with mechanics, best thing to do is if you have a large male family member or friend have them come along even if they dont know a damn thing about cars. By him just sitting there the games usually never begin. It shouldnt be that way, but it is.
soccer is nothing but pong with 11 blocking rectangles instead of 1.
and if all this recycling isnt a huge profit maker, guess what? it wont be done, sorta like what is happening now with plastic and all the other crap that we all pretend to recycle.
Sedans and SUVs, do designers even care? I mean they all look exactly the same, all bland and boring. Its like the car designers arent even trying anymore.
worrying about what may or may not happen by 2035 is the least of our worries Im more worried about whether we will have a stable country and or planet to drive around in. Pretty sure MAD MAX isnt worried about any regulations of a failed government. Worlds becoming a shit show, if in 2035 my biggest worry is about…
it must be exhausting trying to act 20 when you are 50+. My god, just accept your age and grow old gracefully like many of us try to do. Let the young be young, its their time. These old celebrities who simply cant let it go, dont be the old person hanging out in the club with the 20 somethings, its creepy.
I agree, perhaps its just temporary, 4 spot lights and some grass seed would fix the issue imho.
you mean the same public that happily gives up all privacy and shares with the govt and everyone else everything about their life? ( a dream even JE Hoover couldn’t envision) all so they could show off a picture of what salad they are eating for diner? you mean that public. Please, humans are so freakin conditioned,…
very cool, love creative mods like this.
Tesla is just as bad but for different reasons