
you made your first mistake, worth has nothing to do with anything anymore on wallstreet. Its all momentum and liquidity trading. This stuff has little to nothing to do with price discovery anymore.

its the same wallstreet reasoning that allows Tesla to be so highly “valued” . Its totally ridiculous, but as long as enough people play along, reality means little. The market finds and anoints a few safe haven stocks and everyone piles into them. There is NO PRICE discovery left in the market. Its just a casino, one

the reason is always the same, they believe there is a chump who will pay say 500,000 down the line and the ROI will be higher then they can get elsewhere.

I looking to basically semi retire soon from the tech company I helped start, the first thing I told my wife Im doing ( other then buying myself a viper) is throwing my smart phone in the garbage...where it belongs.

solutions require a problem to solve but in this case, there is no problem. Hell half of new tech is solutions for problems that dont exist. 

Please. Hollywood sucks and has sucked for a good long time. The best stuff is now on the small screen via Netflix, Aaazon, Hulu, HBO etc. They are creating the best content. Freakin Hollywoods a joke. Nothing but poorly made remakes and comic book movies.

and the world wont care

umm she has raised and continues to raise and donate millions which aids women and children and combat poverty and social inequality. so yeah, but she has an issue with trans, so what. Noone is perfect and she does do a helluva lot of good.

what about the hundreds of other people making the game. Are you going to poll every developer and their staff to make sure every single domestic issue every worker has, aligns with yours?  Plus you act as if she hasnt done a great deal of good also, so she has one stance you dont agree with... so what?  Your going to

oh man, there are so many ways to take down people. These assholes have all sorts of skeletons in their closets. Hire a investigator to snoop a lil in the assholes background, he gives you what he finds, you have a lilt talk to the asshole about how if he doesnt want this shit all over the company he will behave a

a grift on top of a grift. Its double grift with a 40 yr old loser thrown in for good measure. We’ve jumped the shark so long ago as a country, we’re now into the Happy Days Ted McGinley episodes.

yeah big scary girl, she acted like a spoiled jerk big deal, save your fucking outrage for the cop who shot and killed a fucking person for doing nothing more than walking out of his garage holding a phone.

he handled it terribly, he let it escalate when it didnt have too.

how about the nice and civil thing? how about that? How about saying, Sorry miss to hear about your phone, you are mistaken about my nephews phone, turn on the phone, show her , her mistake and let he apologize, BE THE BIGGER person. WTF is wrong with people today, this could of be settled easy without all the drama.

yes because all white woman are the same, my god, people like you are part of the problem.

the guy was in the series “THE AFFAIR” which was about a guy whos life totally went into the shitter ( along with everyone elses) due to a stupid affair. Did he really not get the message?

and yet the player movement still has those robotic movements within them. I dont get why the dont make it as fluid as real life.  They are worried about hair strands, but they arent worried about fluid movement?  At this point we should have at least some difficulty telling live sports from new gen console sports,

I agree it looks like a 12 year old art student. I could show you show you dozens of young artist with the same “style”.

I miss restaurants and quiet friendly bars, I do not miss crowds one bit. I plan to try to avoid them the rest of my life.

and remember to take advantage of opportunities, this dev would be wise to make a giant stink and try to get as much coverage as possible and simply sell the game themselves.  Its not they need these sites to sell a game.  They just need eyeballs and they are getting them via the controversy.