
Halloween is more of a fall holiday.  Thanksgiving is seen more of the beginning of the Holiday season.. which is also a great time of year, no matter race, gender, etc...  This article has such a ridiculous topic.

what in the ass is this article talking about? seriously.. Autumn has been a time of celebration and get togethers due to the harvest and change of seasons and the proximity of winter setting in. Its been that way for millennia and it has NOTHING to do with white women. Fall is a wonderful time of year. Period..end of

agreed, lost me at that point as well. Multiplayer is either too tedious to try to line up times and days among friends and is a complete unreliable shitshow if you depend on strangers to play

unreal. That should be a warning for every rich guy marrying younger trophy wives. The trophy doesnt remain a trophy

Would you want to bank and gamble millions on a production on a guy who may be a rapist?  why would you take that chance, plenty of actors out there, there is nothing special about this guy

Whats worse is the show is a little preachy, not in a terrible way, but Bill Cosby was full of himself, all the while he was really the worst of the worst. Fuck him and his legacy. He is a POS serial rapist, thats his legacy

once they break 70, then 79.99, they are free to basically go to 90 since that is really the next psychological consumer price point. so if we 70, we will see 79.99 without a doubt and soon after 80+

this is gotta be the lamest trash talking I have every heard.

Early access” is just marketing BS. Its beta, but people dont want to pay real money to be beta testers, so they simply call it “ early access’ and people open up their wallets to beta test.  Hey its their money, let me know when its actually finished, I prefer to eat fully cooked meals.

so do artist need to fill out a giant questionnaire now so that every person before they admire the art can make sure they have the EXACT same answers to every held belief, otherwise, be damned, go away, you had c checked for question 9, Im a solid B person in regard to that question. Therefore I will never look at

that certainly doesnt make me want to go out and preorder a PS5 yet, the improvements are minimal if at all.

Umm, what countries around the world are listed as the best places to live? Yeah, its Northern Europe mostly and the are social democracies, which lean more toward socialism then toward capitalism and that just happens to make the economies and countries which are the nicest places to live on earth.

the artist has to be profiting too from having the work shown world wide by wwe and 2k. I would think that would attract a lot of business.

if the tattoo artist isnt using the free publicity to attract more clients then they are stupid. You would think you would want your art shown world wide.  I think being able to say that you are Ortons tattoo artist would be a BIG selling point.   The artist needs to stop talking to lawyers and start talking to

no, but you still own your arm or leg and can have it reproduced. If this stupid lawsuit goes through then every single advertiser using models with a tattoo will be sued, every sports image, every game image. Sorry , body art falls into fair use.

And that new Corvette! Wow, right?

And that new Corvette! Wow, right?

Can people please stop being so easily manipulated by words. “Early access’ is just a buzz word used to get people to pay to beta test. Thats all this is. They cant call it beta testing anymore because that jargon is too well known, and dont people get a free copy or actually paid to beta test? Well by simply changing

whaa? small printers have been around for decades.

whaa? small printers have been around for decades.

yep, once you go public ( and cash in) you open yourself up to all sorts of ways to lose control of the company you created. Do want to be leveraged out, dont go public.