
huh?  Dems dont control the senate, the Repugs do

what do you mean something they dont have the cash to do, where do people come up with this stuff. Also consoles have a roughly 8 to 10 year life cycle, with the majority of sales in the later years where... wait for it.. the hardware is cheap as dirt.  So in year 1 and 2 you lose money, by years 5 since the price

no, it really hasnt

everyone is replaceable, CEOs are nothing special, hold no special knowledge, they just “know” the right people and hang around the right circles and know and understand how the game is played/rigged ( aka fuck the company longterm by using debt to purchase back stock now to drive up stock price so all execs stock

exactly, I want to know if its fun/easy to play or is it a more serious sim. I would like to use the game to site see, not to learn to fly so is this possible in with this game? Its a giant game “review” that basically says nothing about the game, that in itself is a giant technical “achievement 

lets see if the toxic batteries are really recyclable, or will they just pollute the planet

oh please, there were electric cars in the late 1870s!! Yeah 1870s. Changed the world...please

and in 3 to 4 years it will be dirt cheap to produce and will still sell at the same price point. They make their hardware killing later in the life cycle

yeah but that was also one of the first blue ray players on the market, blue ray players were going for 300 just themselves in 2006

they think good QA are easy to replace, they arent. A good QA personnel are worth their weight in gold. The issue is the higher ups in the company and the soft engineers/coders have a built in human bias against QA because they are the guys who are always bringing bad news and are a “pain in the ass”. They basically

you really have no idea do you? Ive been doing soft dev for over 25 years.. QA is a critical and vital part of game devleopment, but dont feel bad, many if not most in the software business dont understand this either and its why we are plagued with such buggy and shitty software.

how come places like Germany only have cops shooting and killing people 10 or LESS times a YEAR.

what did you do, look in the mirror?

if you dont know if a game will be ready only a few months out... its not ready.

yep, and for those saying 600 is the likely price point, I say NOWAY. That price point doesnt work for consoles. its 500 or lower. As you said they likely both want to be at $499, but are willing to eat more to be sure they are at least the same if not a few bucks lower then the other guy. I suspect sony reg will be

Huh, back in our day we needed on screen friend too and looked to Captain Kangaroo and Captain Noah and other local TV celebs, point is however we grew out of that need by the age of 6 or 7. WTF is wrong with people today, are they really that lonely for a friend? if so thats really and truly sad. I really wouldnt

so I can assume you NEVER EVER have paid for a Disney product EVER?  I suspect you wouldnt take your kids to see most of the monuments in washington, after all, they are monuments to slave owners.

the guy isnt even part of the game? so what is your problem?

is the guy you have a problem with even part of this game?  NOPE,  but yet you clutch your pearls and cry fake tears all the same.  

so according to the author’s “logic”I must go through the credits of every game I intend to buy to make sure noone who made the thing ever said anything that offends me? ok got it. Christ it must be tough living in your would of tears and pearl clutching.