Merkin Muffley

Out here in CA? That climate-induced perma-drought Newsom always babbles about? Has been so effective in preventing rain-and-snow that it’s refilled all the reservoirs. And resuscitated Tulare Lake, an important wildlife resource.

The internet. And social media. 

The hard limit isn’t “miles” it’s actually “discharge-recharge” cycles, which is well studied and understood. The lithium cell has a wear-out mechanism at about 1200 cycles. Capacity drops precipitously in that neighborhood.

Er, Apple?

Can I interest you in some FalconWing doors?


You can hate on Thiel but at least he had the good sense to fire Musk so PayPal could survive. 

Er, yes.

NOBODY is holding these people hostage and making them sign car loan papers.

Headline says something not supported by the actual text. 

You mean the “government party” that actually abolished slavery and was willing to go to war to enforce abolition?

Well, that’s ONE way to pile on clueless insensitivity.

Btu how's they do on their FTX and Dogecoin investments?

Glad to see my Green New IRA Deal tax dollars will provide such economic stimulus for Mexico.

... and Sikorsky

I always want to scream DARIEN GAP!?!

Er, right down to the solar, wind ([diesel]) generator?


Dirty little secret: Even if you get “hired” by the FAA as an air traffic controller? The first two years are pretty much dedicated to intense training in the Earthly Paradise of Oklahoma City.

Its tough to make that energy flux arithmetic work.