Merkin Muffley


Heh. Yeah, unsustainable tech begets unsustainable business model. 

Nah. RyanAir invented nickel-and-dime

“But I paid a lot for that nice sweater...   tough choice"

Because... RyanAir.

Chip implants. It's the future 

I guess we're supposed to be impressed by the detailed photo of the airport...

Like the Tesla on coal thing? Never let actual mathematics interfere with compelling meme. 

You get on a plane for “peace and quiet” ?

Guys like you, who always take the "double seatbelt option" ?  Should just drive. You wreak havoc on weight-and-balance calculations. 

Yeah, but you’re the guy advocating for violence-on-Asians in oversold airline situations, so I don’t think we should take travel, or ethics, advice from you.

The real problem is that TESLA wants to “control it all” so service parts and spares are stupid-expensive.

Just wait for "the exoskeleton". Heh

“Bullcrap”. First sign I’m dealing with an intellectual giant.

And, mental illness. Which is a thing these comments don't acknowledge 

And he's still being charged 

The mental health aspects will get more attention, this being California and all.

INSANE jackass.

Weird that all these comments gloss over the obvious mental health implications of this tragic story. 
