Merkin Muffley

Batteries are only getting better at 2% per year.

Half vast comments about vast majority 

Not even remotely true. You must have been terrible at math

Thats not how it works. People don’t buy cars for 70 % of their driving. They buy ‘em for 100%

Its funny how they just gloss over all the drawbacks.

He has no idea where electricity comes from

Check your power bill, Elon

Nickel is 10x worse

Not if you look at the math.  A Prius is still lower carbon in most places. 

Market share seems likely to stall at under fifteen percent. But, sure, keep shilling.

So if I waste even more electricity to keep the battery warm I can live with half-range?

And the reports are coming in of EA Chargers destroying Rivians.

Or, go on trips

Even the thing about coal is just false.

Uh, no. You guys are terrible at math. And, no, a KW-hr of coal power is still over 1000 grams of CO2, which puts a Tesla at over 400 grams per mile. Current generation Prius is under 200, including all upstreams.

The math is pretty clear that EVs are a planet killer that are also miserable for taking trips.

Run the math on what the nickel mining will do to us all

Well, that’s a pretty good summary of the brainwashing points.

Yeah, if there were any sanity to all this insanity. 

Nah. Teslas crash more.