Merkin Muffley

Always love how the Commentariot— with nary a single chemistry, applied physics nor engineering degree to their credit— are SO QUICK to condemn the views of a brilliant guy who’s drunk the Kool-Aid early. He’s just pointing out some pretty obvious flaws in all the hype. And getting that throw-up taste in the back of

As opposed to pumping trillions into the banking, pharmaceutical and "healthcare insurance" industries like The Other Team?

Please post your medical CV, Dr. Phil 

And yet more hate speech from you

Yeah, these posts (and a lot of the Commentariot) border on hate speech

Not according to the chromosomes.

Yeah, the weird thing here is that somehow “gay rights” became conflated with “chicks with Dicks playing pronoun tricks”.

Follow the Science!

That's quite a leap you made there

The last time I got stopped by CHP it was literally on the 101 on-ramp. He seemed pissed that I stopped on the side of said on-ramp... But incidents like this are illustrative.

BTW, yeah, it’s weird that there’s no ‘contention management’ for the precious on-freq bandwidth around these ATC controlled airports. Pilots keying their mikes on top of each other happens all the time.

It’s “Alaska Airlines”

Half the street chargers around here in CA are busted. Perpetually busted.

Anecdotal, sure, but in the 10 mile radius around my central coastal California base? We have dozens of these lamps adjacent chargers— and on any given day over half are broken, vandalized or destroyed.

Yeah, when the Symbol guys invented this tech?  They had no idea somebody would insist on trying to read a bar code off a dim, greasy, refreshing LCD screen held at a bad angle in bad light. 

Theres an app for that

This. I bet if you asked the people who KNOW- IE the gate agent union- they'd admit they fucking hate the phone thing and the clueless 20 year olds who have the brightness too low to conserve battery 

Found the guy with no toddlers

TOP TIP: your paper boarding pass from the old gate still works at the new gate.

If it scans right. But you see 10x more gate hold-ups from a phone that won’t scan than from a piece of paper.