Merkin Muffley

Its his ‘thing’.

NOBODY outside your cult thinks batteries will work in commercial aviation.

Wrong, as usual. But please continue your rant.

Already been rebutted as false, but whatever.

State mandated vehicle inspections. 

I'm more worried that you are so old you read Arthur Haley books. Was that after watching the talkies at the Bijou?

fanboys are fanboys till they need service...

Unlikely. Tesla doesn’t play nice.

And yet? Still superior to the Tesla service shyteshow 

Its possible that it's only State inspections and light body work. 

And yet GM has seen massive profit since then.

Have you SEEN GMs financial performance since taking those decisions?

The charge network will ultimately lose billions per year. So. No. It's a loser start to finish. 

Greenpeace have taken some remarkably unhinged, counter-productive positions as of late. It is bizarre

Hilarious. The GM dealers Tesla Cultists like to ridicule?

Er. No. Too over-priced.

Early Adopters say all kinds of delusional stuff to rationalize their emotions about the pain of being in early on the brand story. That mindset will easily wave it's hands at the Made in China story

The Shanghai cars have higher build quality, with lower defects, at more attractive margins than Fremont. It would be crazy for Tesla NOT to look at this option.

Heh. “CyberTruck “

Houston and Galveston are awash in containers