Merkin Muffley

Define "perfect "

Why are so many people quitting then?

Anyone who follows Union Pacific and the other rail conglomerates knows that “the holiday container freight peak” happened two months early and much smaller this year.

Of course, the Subie doesn't weigh 27000 pounds either.

Italian cars were crap in the 1960s.

“As good as American EVs" is a pretty low bar. 

Yeah, other than the 6 cues you'd have to ignore to do this?  Sure, could happen to anyone. 

And the "Low Sulfur Diesel ONLY" sticker on the filler door is clearly just a guideline 

Hey, it's not like knowing anything about vehicles is a requirement to be an author around here. 


He's ready to tackle auto-pilot as soon as UPS delivers the RC aircraft servos he ordered off Ebay

Their website is very clear your car can drive itself coast to coast on its own.

Tesla is down because the market knows Captain Dumbass has to liquidate $40 billion in stock to buy Twitter, which he drunk bid on at EBay one night. And now the Seller insists that he go through with it or Elon gets some really negative FEEDBACK 

Heh. Except that’s how it WAS presented.

Musk is a showman but he sure as hell isnt an engineer.

What battery improvements do you guys always dangle out there?

600 pounds. Versus 12000 pounds of batteries?

That isn’t what was promised. But you are right. Short haul delivery to the Circle-K is all this thing is good for with the stunted specs.


No. It’s about 9000 pounds heavier than the equivalent short haul semi.