Merkin Muffley

And today? Wal-Mart doesn't care. They will happily fulfill all your travel needs. 

And yet no faith has brought more people of color to this country has it?

This has all been heavily reported. Please don’t pretend it’s not easy to check.

Oh he absolutely said it. He also coined the whole “super predator” meme. And sponsored the bill that sent thousands of black men to prison. 

The math doesn’t scale and anybody that’s seen a Thanksgiving Tesla Snarl knows it will never scale.

Would love to respond more completely but we're in rolling blackouts. Oh, and don't charge your cars!!

Thanks for the balance in this.

Hilarious. Stacey Abrams, unhinged election denier, is running ads in gas stations.

I guess we find out in November. 

A good van really hits this category perfectly.

You keep babbling like “efficiency” matters in a world where a refinery is 3x MORE efficient than even the best solar cell deployed.

Because of the magic battery tech you claim you’re using?

We have several paths to sub $1 hydrogen, which will move a Mirai over 65 miles.

A lot of the gas companies (like SoCal gas) are already committed to huge electrolyzer projects to convert the worthless excess solar into hydrogen, then deploy it across their grid right along with existing natural gas supplies.

I understand that you have zero grasp on how fallacious this whole story was from the start.

Not what the actual words say

Who’s job EXACTLY is it at the dealership to respond instantly to 150 inquiries from “internet news organizations” over a contrived story?

So this all boils down to internet news ”chasing clicks” based on their own confirmation biases, rather than actually gathering facts?


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