Merkin Muffley

Nobody bothered when there was no market and Tesla was losing billions.

You forgot the /s/

Like a 2005 Hyundai. Not awful, but uninspired. And with awkward proportions 

Its called “Lucid Air” ...

And not a single reference to the Stephen King book?

Chinese hydrogen bus trials have gone really well. It's happening. And cheap hydrogen opens up huge opportunities 

You realize we have so much excess solar in California that we literally throw it away (or pay Arizona to take it away) right?

Angeles Link is a game changer. Zero carbon hydrogen. Unlimited supplies. Under 1 dollar a KG.

Tell that to Airbus. 

A KG of hydrogen moves a Mirai 60 miles.

A coal plant is 21% efficient.

Heh. Right. Angeles Link. 


Do the math on $1 hydrogen. It's coming. Thats why Toyota and Airbus are investing in hydrogen systems. 

You’re sure funny Elon.

Toyota has a 500 year plan.

Battery density is only getting better at 4% per year. Even as costs for nickel and lithium spiral out of control.

Direct PV. Is a thing. A rapidly improving thing.

We now have multiple processes all showing a path to $1 a KG hydrogen.

Direct PV is showing a path to $1 a KG, zero carbon hydrogen.