Merkin Muffley

That’s pure hypocrisy isn’t it?

Rory perma-greyed a lot of his critics. 

“They’re all dead, Jim”

More likely? Pissed she wasn't into that kink

Cocaine, like the rest of the cast.

The fact that the OP has to parse the dynamic to "WHITE working class" says it all. 

So that translates, in your contorted world, to “it makes sense that the Taliban can run a Twitter account but the former President can not”? GTFO.

Why does it always go back to The orange Cheeto for you guys? I know part of the messaging strategy is to hang the guy on the party, but it doesn’t really work that way.

You have my sympathies. It must be tough going through life with so little talent. 

Nice. Your mom must be proud. 

My wife’s a shrink. You have no idea what passive-aggression is if you think it applies to an internet discussion.

She may have gotten her “bus” reclassification done to “RV” , but on the one I tried recently? The DMV there clearly doesn’t blindly take the “RV” designation code you request and brand it to the title.

Henry Ford was a fascist-lovin anti-Semitic wacko too.


Sure. Site traffic is way down. Let's drive even more users off the site. 


The VIN is in the PCM.

The VIN can be pulled from the PCM. Which will say “L77 Caprice PPV”.

Yeah. All the armchair attorneys on this one are smoking their own farts too hard.
