Merkin Muffley

Nice to see all the amateur law degrees being brandished in these comments.

GOP has zero voice in California, despite having 40% of the electoral voice. Weird. Gerrymandering works both ways I guess. 

The only “hatred” I see on this thread is from you and your vile compatriots who apparently can’t see past their own personal limitations.

We gave billions to millionaires to buy over-priced Tesla cars that are far dirtier than a Prius.

And yet the Tesla line are among the most unreliable cars built in the last 50 years, with astronomical repair bills.

You clearly know nothing about the Taliban

I’m richer and more relevant than you so I’m not sure I even follow.

Finally. Someone with a pragmatic view!

Sure. It’s a boring, well-built car.

The Prez is polling 32% and dropping like a rock. The Congressional Dems are in the 20s

Here in CA the district manipulation is so bad that the GOP, which is about 40% of the vote, is rendered completely without a voice.

With such witty discourse it's no wonder you are a disappointment to your family

No I’m gloating that a car blog has seen a hostile takeover by unaccomplished hordes of vacuous anarchists

Thats not how governors' races work

I'm smarter, richer and better informed than they are, so why should I sweat a pack of concern-trolls?

No political analyst thinks that. 

Sounds like you've never been to Asia

Net Migration data is pretty clear

Funny that you see conspiracy everywhere...

The polls noconsistently show approval of the President and House Dems down into the 20s.