Merkin Muffley

Most fast food places here in Santa Barbara weren’t permitted even to allow a drive-thru. Period.

Bingo. The city screwed up big time here, since no other fast food chain is even allowed to run a drive-thru.

That's not what the metric means

Thats not actually what the STAT means...

The real story on this CFA isn’t mentioned here. This is a pissing match between dueling mayors— a prior administration approved the design that the current powers are trying to un-do. The current city staff are pissed about the drive-through, which present staff opposes.

Dont get too excited until you see "the station" at Camden Yards

Baltimore is a complete mess on so many levels... it’s like every decision made about transportation since the Riots? Has been wrong.

If you pull your trailer home with your salvage Tesla it's "all the above"

You'd be the expert on the gastronomical implications, I give you that. 

Strictly speaking, once orbital tourism takes off, the customers will be just as cyclical as you proclaim to be. 

If one group has the right to protest? I’d at least respect the rights of other groups to protest.

Have you seen the interviews?

You were bad at fractions in school, weren't you?

Just like the 6000 public workers just fired in NYC over the same issue? Are they all fools wasting time too?

And you have the right to be wrong.

Its the most federally regulated business in the country... seems like they ARE in the right place

You lived in the three dumbest geographies in the US and you are calling THEM names? Heh

NYC just fired 6000 "non vax'd" public workers. These guys are protesting the same government overreach coming for them. 

Hilarious right?

These folks are also the ones who kept groceries and supplies on the shelf while you were whining about not going to the bar.