Merkin Muffley

These “dipshits” are also the ones who kept groceries and supplies on the shelf while you were sitting at home WFH’ing in your jammies. 

Nickel is the big problem. Huge problem. Everybody glosses over it but...

Maybe we should look at the basic math before we choke too hard on Musk’s chicken here...

Actually, neither lithium nor cobalt are classified as “rare earth” materials, as they are not lanthanides.

Nice made up facts but the San Diego Union-Tribune seems better informed than you.

I know for a fact they don't sell acid bath in that large a container. 

They are selling all they can make.

That somebody would be you. 

Thanks for this.

Exactly. Lack of engine noise means you hear everything else. Loudly

The interview about “how hard it was to leave Detroit for LA” was hilarious.

In the end, Joe Cool was the perfect embodiment of the EV experience. Over-hyped, fragile and unable to get those depending on him to their destination.

Well, you will admit the millions NOKIA paid to place a (now vastly obsolete) 7.2 Android phone in Bond's hand in NTTD was pretty ridiculous no?

Confederate flag stickersIIRC

Were all the American pilots who staged the same form of protest Nazis too?

Your inability to see the hypocrisy IS amusing. Thanks for that

Well, it's a mostly peaceful protest...

Exactly. They have zero idea. Nobody much drives from Oslo to Bergen much less farther north

Less likely by the day. 

That's pretty hilarious