Merkin Muffley

Dead salmon.

Makes one wonder where you think the energy comes from to coddle your batteries like that. 

Judging from the license plates?


You need a better calculator. 

Until you are stranded in rural Arizona in your EV. Then you ARE in the stone age

Who doesn't love a cash prize to do something ridiculous! 

And all the dead salmon paid the price for our smugness

Which commercial airliners? The number you cite was for a 747-400 

Budget carriers have completely killed London-Paris as a cheap train option.

Yeah. It’s sad this stupid pet trick is given any coverage at all.

The fact that they had to bend over backwards so far to find a “valid use case” shows you how far out of the money these approaches are.

Two weeks to flatten the curve

Not even close to true. Intermountain alone is 2GW.

Yeah they are quietly at "over 30%" imported (ie coal, mostly) already and Diablo is still open. That figure only goes up from there. 

Maybe they should have figured this one out BEFORE they committed to closing all nuclear plants down?  I'm just spitballin' obviously 

Tesla also claims they are building a robot.

This one is easy. California will do what they always do. Bury them in a landfill in a DIFFERENT state, then pretend it’s not a problem. For California.

Even he has admitted he's pretty far out on the spectrum. And he's probably under-estimating the magnitude of the problem 

That is the real headline here