Merkin Muffley

That doesn't exist. Either

Elon doesn’t have a personality.

Because he re-branded. Again. And moved the goalposts he set in 2014..

This turns up a lot in “swap candidate” forum discussions... but...

Keeping in mind that the week of the IPO Musk mentioned an objective to “build a car to drive coast to coast on its own” in a CNBC interview. That's almost 10 years ago. 

Any discussion of this topic that doesn’t mention the vital role Paul Allen and Bill Gates played is incomplete.

Without that factor?  I wonder how many they would have sold... over 100k probably 

You realize GM has had record profits right?

Normally I'd agree but the average buyer age of the C8 is a full decade YOUNGER than C7... it's actually different people buying. 

Very, very supply constrained though. 

And still tiny compared to this 224" length

In this size? Nah.

This is exactly right. Wh else builds a Suburban class hot rod?

“FSD” didn’t exist in 2015 when Musk committed to a coast to coast self-drive on “Auto Pilot” by the end of 2016.

They can re-brand all they want. This is still the same 7 years late code stack they’ve re-written from scratch a half-dozen times.

No. No they do not

Brake. You mean "brake"

Yes, Elon, it's fully confirmed that your software was activated 

Wait. Didn’t Musky literally claim THIS WEEK that there had never been any fatalities while Tesla cars had been on Autopilot?

Some will defend it, but the Detroit Diesel is the weak link here