Anyone remember the Beach Boys song?
Anyone remember the Beach Boys song?
The forecast for tomorrow is partly rapey. For the weekend, expect mostly harassment, with periods of sexual assault. Chance of rape is only 10%.
Sounds like the presidential election.
Historically, hunters were the first and have been the strongest force for conservation. See, e.g., Teddy Roosevelt, or Ducks Unlimited.
Because the orgasms are fantastic.
You could say all of George's money is blowing through anal?
Knocking Up Nannies is my favorite Ween song.
The hackiest political journalism shit there is, the perennial “(fill in blank) got a (Insert Dollar Amount) Haircut!” article. At least this year Slate did a postmodern version, an article about the phenomenon of the article about the haircut. David Foster Wallace rolls in his grave, though this started before him…
If she killed him, given his age and physical health, I am sure this would be considered almost justifiable. But the complication is that mental illness is not as noticeable, not as obvious, as having one leg, being in a wheelchair, she may well have been worse off than he, but still, murder is not really the…
The U2-like The Call also seemed to be Feeling Things but the difference I think is when you can tell someone is only using the Man Who Deeply Feels Things as his pick-up artist hook.
I always want to protect the redhead from the skeevy Wooderson.
I am the blond boy with wavy hair, just sorta regular nerdy guy
I was that blonde nerdy guy.
fIREHOSE should do to him what they did for the singer of REM:
I knew this to be true the first time I saw him lie down on stage in the Playgirl pose and croon sexily to so as to whip the soccer moms into a frenzy. He made me even to cringe, so much was I skeeved.
Watching Dazed and Confused is like travelling back in time for me. I went to high school in the south in the 70s, and it is so absolutely perfect in its recreation of the time. I knew every single one of the characters, and one of them is me. I cry.
Thanks for clarifying, rejohnnyrotten. I am learning now that you have to be aware of the distinctions between false rape allegations, unfounded rape allegations, and the definitely not real and mythical phenomenon known around the turn of the 20th century as psuedologia fantastica. Its complicated, aint it?
I did not point to the fictional incident as proof that such incidents occurred. I was pointing out that the scenario does explain what could possibly be the motivation for a woman to make a false rape allegation, in that case to avoid the extreme social status implications of having it known that she voluntarily had…
Well, I was looking for a motivation for a woman to make a false rape allegation, a knowing, purposeful false rape allegation. Sheer malice? I don’t buy it, making a rape allegation is traumatic, no one would do it just because “I hate that guy.” But on the other hand, if it is to save your status, honor, even life,…
Flow Bee's points seems to support my conjecture that the more a society engages in "criminalizing" or stigmatizing female sexuality, the more reason, motivation, for women to make false allegations out of self-preservation. In the southern US 100 years ago, there was nothing more stigmatized, actually criminalized,…