
Of course, I forgot, there are no degrees of things, its black, or white, completely.

Seems to me that the more repressive, moralistic, slut-shaming and male-dominated a society is, the more likely for false rape allegations to occur. If a woman is considered a male's property, either father or husband, and she is considered a whore, damaged, and worthless for engaging in sex without sanction of

I saw Lobsterman at the carnival.

Well isn't that 10% nicer.

And no more foot-fetish jokes. That is another reason the Jets suck, no more foot jokes in the post.

And the Errol Morris Miller commercials were epically fantastic:

You can also buy a quart for around $1.50. As a youngster, we referred to these as "buzz bottles."

Corey Feldman was a guest at Neverland as a child, I think it was especially appropriate that he played in State College.

Isn't that the same as 10 amp hours? Why all this with the thousands of mAh? Hey, my car battery is 72,000 mHa!

Isn't that the same as 10 amp hours? Why all this with the thousands of mAh? Hey, my car battery is 72,000 mHa!

If you wanted Pete Rose to marry you, I think the best strategy to get a deal would be to go to the Forum Shops in Vegas to that memorabilia shop where he sits all day, all by himself, being ignored. I bet he would do it and sign the certificate for his regular autograph fee.

Lohan has to do this, too, on top of those lucrative prostitution gigs, oops, I mean escort, no oops again, I mean appearance fees just to show up somewhere?

Holy shit!

This is the very very best terrible movie ever made. I could watch it endlessly. It captures me. I can never turn away. I must finish, once I have begun. And the fact that Mr. Burns in the Simpsons has a stuffed polar bear in his office is glorious.

Aren't those "balance bikes" called "velociraptors?" (Just kidding, I know they are called "centipedes")

I'm just gonna point and laugh at you, I can't even think of anything to say. haha! (pointing)

Advice for fighting in school: at the first sign of aggression, go apeshit. Flail your weakling arms and scream and wrestle and just go fucking nuts. Scream "I will fucking kill you motherfucker fuck you you fuck" and such. Do it wherever you are whenever you are seriously threatened. Never let someone get away with a

Oh, ouch, you got me there.

This would explain why Chelsea is a moron and Bill is a genius, even if a morally failed genius. Or she could just take after her mother.

First the auto killed urban mass transit, then it killed passenger rail.

Chicken or egg issue here. We live in sprawling suburbs because we have so many cars, to a great degree. Plus the auto manufacturers buying out and shutting down the once ubiquitous streetcar companies.