
You have to, or they’ll throw D-cells at you, and throw nickels on the ice to catch your skates.

Even in Philadelphia, City of Vicious Hatred, the cops let people sell horrible “pretzels” from borrowed grocery carts, heated with charcoal burning in a borrowed trash can lid, they allow it even though those “pretzels” are genuinely criminally bad.

Yes, heroes, our brave “first responders,” protecting us from the carnage of unlicensed water selling.

Don’t believe him when he claims the condom just fell off, Pam.

Orange embiggens the soul of an automobile.


People are saying he just has an empty sack. No huevos at all.

What a total wuss. A real man would just fire Mueller and be done with it. This makes Trump a big-league loser. Loser slob, weak, pathetic loser. No balls at all.

And she is beautiful, too. But god that voice.

Easy now, calm down, Lindsay, you are fine. One beer a day? Lordy, start worrying when its 12. Beer aint drinking, unless its breakfast.

I prefer something more candid, like “fuck the fuck off, you fucking fuck.”

He somehow got the idea back in the 80s that Beaujolais is some kinda super classy wine, and so he somehow wound up “owning” the right to do the first release of the Beaujolais nouveau each year, so they would fly some cases into New York, and Trump would have it delivered with tacky and crap-tacular pomp and

It doesn’t say much for Clinton that she is keeping this race remains close at all. If they had nominated anyone else Clinton would probably wind up blowing it.

His next tweet is going to be “hey Hillary, the jerk store called, and they are out of you.”

He brags about it. He has said he wants to “squeeze every drop from the orange,” specifically referring to gathering in with both hands all that he can by way of perks. Ps, as US Attorney he was reprimanded for routinely exceeding travel expense guidelines, by a lot, staying in 5 star hotels and such.

He flew in the State police helicopter that day, it was reported on him flying over the giant traffic jam unimpeded. True story: when he took office, they had to buy a bigger helicopter. Cross my heart and hope to die, this is true.

The actual true answer is, if you are a man, all of them, if you are a woman, none.

You must be young. Get off my lawn. A decade is way way way too short a measure of time to even have a “vast majority.” That’s like saying "a vast portion of a second. You will see.

That’s what put North Haverford on the map.

I would buy it too, but I would be afraid of the fallout. . . .