
Hear hear! The co-founder of the DLC and his wife have never been democrats, they are wall street shills. sold out the working people to the multinational corporations, turned us into a nation of consumers, not producers. Fuck them both.

As a licensed, professional deflowerer, I would like to offer my services.

I think Drew Magary should be President of the world, and Pope. He deserves it just for Nazi Shark.

Where was it I saw the video of the Calcutta, India, traffic police precision scooter team? That was impressive, some kind of hyper-overdone regalia, and performing moves like a college marching band on vesper-type scooters.

Was the chant being led by a student named Ronnie The Limo Driver?

Penn State truly sucks balls. It sucks Rutgers balls.

That is a waterproof handheld vhf. Any time I go offshore on a boat alone, this is attached to my lifevest,which I am wearing. There is no greater nightmare than falling overboard when you are alone and watching your boat sail away.

it's not just common, it's more often than not, that your initial autopilot setting is not in the direction of your final destination. He most probably set an initial course northeast towards the bahamas. With good reason. He would want to get offshore far enough to hit the gulstream, where first of all, the big game

Ummm, that's porn.

I am not sure you are correct, somewhere I read of a nhtsa study which found that swiveling your head to look back prior to lane changes was more dangerous than looking in the mirror.

Your sister will be so mad if she finds out about that sheep!

Come now, let us make peace, your perception is incorrect. We coastal elites do not consider ourselves to be "better," nor do we look down our noses at the good folk dwelling in the interior states. We just don't think about you at all. Its like in Casablanca, when Ugarte asks Rick "You despise me, don't you Rick?"

Aww, are the coastal elites condescending to the real 'murricans of the meth-brewing states again?

Abba, Abba, lama sabachthani?

I graduated from high school in Florida, not South Florida, it was east coast and cattle and citrus and redneckish as all hell. Four of the kids I graduated with, who were all bullies and loved to start fights and such just for sport (I had been in fights with 2 of them, they started them, just picking on me) started

So, you are telling me that each cylinder has the displacement of an old chevy 350 V-8? I have an engineering question, doesn't it get difficult to cool a piston and cylinder that humongous?

I was responding to Mike Rose about other activities the CFPB is up to, they are engaged in a crusade to regulate dealership loan markups, despite the fact that under the statute creating the CFPB, they lack the authority to do this. They are doing an end-around by jacking up the major lenders to get at the dealers,

Disparate impact bullshit; an invalid legal theory (ECOA does not have the "discriminatory effect" language that Title VII has, therefore statistics alone are legally insufficient to prove an ECOA violation) stacked on top of a second invalid legal theory that the major lenders are vicariously responsible for the (not

Paying your bills is a pretty good strategy too.

I have been trying to discover ass for some 15 years, but my spouse insists that that territory is terra incognita and there be monsters, so she will not let my ship of exploration set sail for the unknown virgin territory.