Pretty Theft

What’s wrong with being an escort? 

Not sure how other people will react to your critique/essay. It is poetic, completely self-indulgent, and filled with so much ennui that it borders on being parodic.

Yeah, it feels very self-indulgent. She touches on it in the article, but, as someone who has had some depression, ennui seems like someone is putting on the clothes of depression almost for fun. I think that’s what I disliked about the movie. The whole “purposeful melancholy via semi-intentional disconnection from

When she reference Teju Cole, I went, “YUP that is the writing she’s trying to emulate here.” I think she hit it well, but I also hate that style of writing. It feels like trying to dress up depression in pretty clothes (the literal version of this being something she hates), to hide real points amid quotes and

Not sure how other people will react to your critique/essay. It is poetic, completely self-indulgent, and filled with so much ennui that it borders on being parodic.

“...Manzanares, who was a veteran who had served abroad, wrote in a suicide note that “he had been troubled since coming back from Afghanistan.””

I’ve written about this before here but I did background checks for a couple of years after 9/11. I did thousands of interviews of spouses, co-workers, neighbors, classmates, ex-spouses, subjects for secret, top secret, SCI and q clearances. Border Patrol and ICE applicants ALL had signs of messed up domestic violence

I’ve met him in person and stood very close to him while he was wearing some slippers at work and I’d put him at a solid 5’10”. Definitely not 6 feet but not 5’8” either-not that that matters very much because he’s a whole snack regardless of height.

I’m a reluctant millennial (‘84), but in all reality, if our sparking a “fresh perspective” to mortuaries results in more options for natural burial I’m down.

Okay, so this isn’t a Halloween story, but it is SPOOKY and I don’t want to admit it to anyone IRL so imma tell it here.

Last night I took an Ambien and had a very vivid dream about cutting off my midback-length hair. This morning I groggily staggered to the bathroom and the sink was FULL OF HAIR and I look like

I kicked and destroyed a porch pumpkin on a dare . So it still shocks me that in a village of 300 our ONLY cop spotted us at that very moment. We all ran, but I was the only one who got caught. And I was ‘collard’ a tad roughly because I was 15 with a pixie cut and looked like a boy from the neck down. I made up an

Honestly, I thought that one was the least scary - it was so caught up in flowery language that it obscured anything scary in the story.

Meh. Only one to even get under my skin was the face at the window. Everything else was pretty blah. They all pale in comparison to prior entries.

A friend of mine was her driver when she was in Vancouver on a project, and he said she was just a nice, sweet, professional Southern girl who was always ready for pick up at 5am and when she got in the car at the end of the day she’d ask where he wanted to go for dinner, and then they’d go pick up a bunch of his

I don’t know, I think my ex was just like a really direct, instruction following person. Dude told him not to tell anyone, he’s going to listen to that dude. Shrug. I never really got it. 

I’m thinking the boyfriend was behaving weirder. The creeper was weird, probably dangerous, and definitely way the fuck out of line; but for your boyfriend to have no reaction, and be totally down with keeping it a secret is completely strange and incomprehensible.

I don’t know! I often wonder who was behaving weirder in that story, the guy who was wandering into our room and licking a stranger’s chest, or my ex who was apparently not even phased by that. 

I have to admit when your boyfriend protested “he asked us not to tell her!” my jaw dropped.  How far does fucking Bro Code go??????  

I never post so I don’t know if anyone will see this but, a few weeks ago, I came home to this. That is not my hand.

I find that when comedy types do paper interviews their humor doesn’t always translate well. I like her and when I picture her saying this it makes a weird kind of sense, it doesn’t read well though.