Pretty Theft

I can’t decide whether to be insulted or not that you’re recommending these basic bitch bags to us

I can’t decide whether to be insulted or not that you’re recommending these basic bitch bags to us

Wow! I’m in Logan Square, I hadn’t heard about this. Scary stuff.

I find that hard to believe, honestly. I think he’s been great in everything I’ve seen. I even watched Beautiful Creatures mostly because of him.

He was utterly delightful in Hail, Caesar!

You know if there’s no unauthorized copulation, there’s got to be “authorized” copulation, right?

Came here to say this! He seemed like such a good sport.

Have you seen his episode of Hot Ones on YouTube? He came off as such a good sport. I haven’t heard any of his music, but I really enjoyed that interview.

Thank you so much for sharing this story. I’ve no doubt that you’ve been deeply affected by the traumatic events of your childhood. It’s hard to triangulate yourself when you’re not sure what “normal” is. I’ve only recently really begun my own healing.

Hasan is a wonderful interview subject — I suggest you check out the “Hot Ones” YouTube episode with him. He’s adorable, intelligent, and engaging.

Yes. Have you ever actually been on a film set?

Crapalonies” is such a Mom word

USPS is a private business

Yeah the covers for both series look pretty bad. I haven’t heard of The Dresden Files, but you’ve piqued my interest!

The Kushiel series is just ridiculously good, hot sexy fun, with a surprisingly comprehensive and psychologically sophisticated world — certainly much more than you’d expect with those book covers. YES

Kushiel’s Dart has the DNA of a romance, but it’s also secretly an epic political fantasy. I fucking love it, so so much.

Do Romy & Michele next please

How the heck did you recognize a Z-list actor in the car behind you? I guess it’s not such a stretch. I once crossed the street in front of Jeff Goldblum.

I’m sure this is an incel

I like the episodes where he goes fishing and they never catch anything

I agree, the movie handled it really badly.

It’s very similar, but it’s not the same dress. As much as I like Meghan Markle, I did not like the fit of her gown and thought it felt too “heavy” next to the veil (which was lovely). I actually prefer Emilia Wickstead’s design — it flows a lot better.

What’s actually more insane to me is this graphic chart. People really are getting dumber. Who the fuck is bringing guns on an airplane?