Pretty Theft


Dear God you are incorrect.

Thank you so much for this. Many people don’t realize that abusers use anger as a tactic or an excuse. He’s not angry, he’s angry because he is abusive.

I don’t think you can separate a gendered insult from its gender.

“Trapped”? My cat loves me.

“Two months before”? Isn’t the relationship over when she gets murdered?

Now playing

Green Room is one of the best films I’ve seen in years, let alone horror film:

Thank you! Natalie Portman is beautiful but really ... just a bad actress all around.

Thank you for all of this. I’m so sorry for your loss. She seemed like a wonderful woman from your posts.

I feel like Shark Week happens 10 times a year

What is your boyfriend’s usual response to terrifying shit like this?? How could he possibly defend it?

Derogatory? I’ve only heard it (in the US) as complimentary.

I hope they’re able to find more work. They’re both so fantastic. And beautiful. God are they beautiful.

You’re being terribly condescending

The first one was super racist too (against Asians).

I’m so sorry this happened to you.

Danskos are really great:

Um ... Orlando Bloom wasn’t in Black Hawk Down. Josh Hartnett was.

You just made my day!!!!!! This deserves a few more exclamation points!! I have never seen this before and I love it. Now I’m trying to think of a hipster friend with a triangle tattoo that I can show it to, I’m sure I have one

This shit doesn’t work for brown girls

This shit doesn’t work for brown girls