Pretty Theft

I agree, to an extent, but if you take consensual photos with a photographer who retains the rights to those images, you relinquish your claim on them. This is how the law works. She just wants a cut of the money, and honestly, the “controversy” is good for her brand because no one is talking about her right now.

Sorry, I’m more inclined to think, given Emily Ratajkowski’s previous comments on nudity and body acceptance, that this is more about money and profit than it is about violation.

Me too. Emotional and mental abuse is just as damaging to your brain function. I’m still recovering. It’s worse remembering how funny/mentally agile I once was. I’m getting it back though ... slowly. Hugs to you.

??? The Ryan Phillippe story is, like, from January? Of this year?

How would you even come up with this conclusion? There's absolutely no evidence for this.

Do it! The writers basically looked at the book and were like, Uh, this sucks, but the seed of the idea is good, so let’s work with that. They threw away everything that was bad about the book: a lot of the pettiness, everything saintly about the boyfriend (was it really necessary to have him working with

My love for this movie knows no bounds. I don’t care! It has everything I want! Intelligent characterizations, nuance, fashion, Stanley Tucci, and it’s also miles better than the book (which my mom, for some reason, saw fit to buy me TWICE). The romance isn’t even the focal point here. It is, honestly, better than it

Maybe he’s just not prepared to notice racist shit when it does happen. White people can be pretty oblivious.

That was Laurence Olivier and Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man.

That is ridiculous. Humans are people with brains. Our brains allow us to think beyond mere biology (which is specious at best). Put an eighteen year old and a thirty year old woman in front of a man and you’ve absolutely no guarantee which one he’ll choose, because it depends on the man. And men are humans.

Eventually I told my (female, child-free) boss directly that I wanted to go on the trips too and she flat-out said “no, we’re a family-friendly workplace, we would never ask a mother of a young child to travel,” and I was like, “but I’m saying I WANT to go,” and she was just like, “no, mothers don’t want to travel.”

There’s nothing wrong with rosemary flavored crackers!

What’s that

I love Kenji Lopez-Alt so much! He is a boss. I have adopted SO SO MANY of his techniques. And I love his Food Lab stuff. Endlessly interesting.

Right? She has a publicist. Is she an actress? Is she a former actress with a lifestyle brand? What the fuck does she do that makes so much money and how can I do that too?

Aw she was great in A League of Their Own.

I separate the egg yolks and egg whites, then I beat the egg whites with the grated cheese (along with a tiny pinch of salt). When I drain the pasta, I add a splash of pasta water to the pan with the bacon and oil and let it reduce a little, coating the pasta in the oil and bacon. Then I remove it from the heat (it’s

I’ve been making pasta alla carbonara with slight variations on the recipe for a couple years now, and I think I finally got it right. I love breaking the yolk and mixing it in right before eating every creamy, rich bite.

Jesse Williams. Easy.