Pretty Theft

This was awesome. A lot of the time when people do these things, the actors don't fully commit. But it really, really worked.

Oh for sure. I live in Chicago and while they are less prevalent this year (thank Jesus), it was the first real snow day today and I STILL saw chicks wandering around with wet, soggy Uggs. Don't they know how that looks? Yuck!

Actually, actors often wear Uggs when their feet won't be in the shot, especially if it's cold outside. It's much more comfortable than wearing heels when they won't even be visible to the audience. /pedantic

Aw, I think these are hilarious.

Oh god. I would do such naughty things to Lee Pace.

Claudia Kishi, Victoria's Secret Super Special.

I don't know. I was brought up with a mom who exposed me at an early age to cuisines from all over the world. I liked American cheese as much as the next kid, but I certainly didn't consider it to be a cooking ingredient, necessarily, and in a competition like this I probably wouldn't have used it. If anything I have

I actually think this is way more entertaining than seeing grown-ups cook. Seeing children who are being rewarded for their talents (that aren't dressing up, caking on makeup, and singing and dancing like on Toddlers & Tiaras) is wildly refreshing to me. I think that all children should be taught to cook and that this

You should see her brother, Sami Hayek. He looks like her, with facial hair. I'm not sure that's a good thing.

I think the "evidence" that you're looking for is that SNL is nearly 40 years old and has not hired a single black woman yet. How blind do you have to be? Jesus. Are you really suggesting that of all the black female comedians out in the world, not one fits SNL's comedy sketch perimeters? That's some fucked up shit

Honestly ... I like this. I would wear the hell out of some of those t-shirts. This is a good move for them.

Oh me too. I hate washing my face because I have the horrible feeling that while I'm rinsing it off I'll look up and something will be standing behind me in the mirror. Eeeeeek!

I feel like these kinds of studies happen when PhD candidates don't want to work very hard and just want to go parasailing on their off days.

Love this story. He would never have asked somebody else, no matter how close they were to the beer. Good for you.


I can't see any reason why feeding your cat raw meat is bad for it. That's what cats evolved to eat. It must be a nice treat for your little furry friend!

I love it when people come here and try to demand that Jezebel stop talking about celebrities. It's like going to Playboy and telling them to stop showing pictures of nude women.

What, are there just two models for this whole silly show?

Oh God. I need this. It's so witchy and beautiful and dark. I can just imagine flying around on my broomstick in this.

Seriously. I mean the guy started high school when he was 12 and got offered scholarships to Harvard and Georgetown. He's clearly not interested in idiots.