Pretty Theft

I shave with olive oil/jojoba oil! It also seems to keep my razors rust-free for longer.

My dad interviewed him once. When he found out that my dad had recently had a baby (my older brother), he sent him a silver baby rattle. Dustin Hoffman is a beautiful person.

COSIGNED. This is exactly who I was thinking of while reading. But exactly.

I don't even know, but thank you.


Dagnabbit! I'm already a customer ... I'm assuming this is just for new customers. I would LOVE to take advantage but I probably can't, can I?

Dagnabbit! I'm already a customer ... I'm assuming this is just for new customers. I would LOVE to take advantage

That's because she looks fantastic! That's an amazing color and it's a nice departure from her usual "EVERYBODY LOOK AT MY EXPOSED SKIN" dresses.

It depends I think. I live in Chicago — everyone has a bag, because everybody walks everywhere, or takes the train. You just can't live your life without carrying your stuff around.

Ha! I always refuse to carry things for my boyfriend. I'm not a pack mule. Maybe this makes me sound mean but I just don't see why I have to carry things that he buys. I'm much smaller than him.

Yeah. Don't give me that shit about "how there are a lot of ethnic superheroes." It doesn't matter if no one's heard of them or if they don't have their own comic series. It really doesn't. They're still marginalized.

Unfortunately, generally, black people assume characters are white too, at least in America, because white people have the dominant culture here.

I would like some of these "myriad" examples, please. Are any of them headliners? Are any of them about to have a movie made about them? If not then no, it really doesn't matter because they're still being marginalized. Nice try though.

Eeeeee fluffy little corgi butt! *Pat pat*

I wonder if Rihanna made Alaia wait 2 hours like she does her fans at concerts?

I think this petition is misguided. The fact is that certain minorities are more likely to be poor, thanks to a fucked up system. You have seen for yourself the fat kids on the bus. They should not be that way, they are not happy that way, they were not born that way and no, they don't all have some kind of thyroid

Because I like to wear short skirts? I should be able to wear short skirts without other people saying I'm "disempowering" myself.

I could see someone like Salma Hayek or Eva Mendes rocking it.

This brings new meaning to "Women's Lib"!

Okay, now they're just fucking with us.

Now playing

I've seen the skull t-shirt in various forms here and there and nothing will diminish my love for it. You can actually make it yourself without too much trouble.