My Hillary Amour

Angela Merkel has been the leader of the free world since Trump was elected.  That said, they are not taking in enough economic refugees and must take in many, many more.  Over the next 10 years it is expected that roughly 1 billion Africans want to emigrate to Europe.  Germany is only taking in a couple million every

Are you calling Vox fake news?

“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.” - Hillary Rodham Clinton

Oh my, now this is lovely. Right on cue Bernie has accepted Hillary’s invitation to speak with her in Pittsburgh at the American Federation of Teachers convention.

As a centrist, I find De Blasio perfectly tolerable and a lot like Bernie. Actually, he is less offensive than Bernie but that might just be those nagging memories of the unfortunate misogyny his young, male followers heaved at us throughout the course of 2016. In any event, De Blasio preaches the same type of soft

Police drones are an excellent idea and I hope they replace human police.  As we have seen with Black Lives Matters, human police are subject to racial biases.  Drones would have no such problem and are the perfect solution to the overpolicing of certain communities. 

Counterpoint: Olive Garden is insanely popular because of its middle of the road, CENTRIST food. Fringe craft beer haunts that serve avocado toast and bacon wrapped, blue cheese filled dates may be sexier but they won’t win an election.


She hasn’t announced yet but she is running.  Bookmark this permalink and read it after the Blue Wave crashes through Flyover Country.

You Bernie Bois are all conspiracy theorists.  Why don’t you just wake up and realize that he’s not running, Hillary is, and she’s going to win?  Aren’t you tired of losing?

Still waiting for that awful waffle.

The Trumpets are saying that because these folks are undocumented there is no way to prove that there is actually a relation between the child and the parent. In fact, they call the parents “human traffickers” and make the claim that it’s easier to obtain asylum with a child.

Trout are not great sport fishing but are very tasty.  Catching and releasing trout makes no sense. 

Hillary 2020

Please do not feel left out. We need your vote too.

He won’t be on the ballot.  It’s almost #MuellerTime. 

What a truly classless remark.  Barack Obama is and was the guiding light of our democracy.  I will read your article, but I will have you know that I am very hesitant to put much faith into something that equates him with a basketball player. 

I bought this for my daughter.

This article promotes online piracy.  Please take it down.  I have notified the FCC, TSA, and IRS. 

NY and CA constitute 99% of America.  You know, I have a little laugh every time you all rage against the 1%.  The 1% that truly deserves our scorn is the inhabitants of the wastelands outside our coasts.