My Hillary Amour

I am shocked and appalled. Melania Trump stole her RNC speech from Michelle Obama. She stole her signature hat from Michelle, who wore it not only first but much better. She stole her “online bullying” prerogative from Michelle Obama. She stole her entire public persona from Michelle Obama. And now we find out that

Right.  The party that brought you Barack Obama “sucks.”  Makes a lot of sense. 

I guess you forgot that she won the popular vote. Oh my, you Trumpets are indeed “without brain,” as they say. I am laughing right now.

Hillary is still our best shot and her time is not yet over.  She absolutely deserves to be president and she will be a great one for us.  Biden is too old and very unelectable. Booker is a terrific motivational speaker though he falls short of Obama by a mile and has some unfortunate corporate ties to boot. 

Offending Taylor, let alone groping her, should be a class of criminal activity unto itself. 

We are on the same side.  We are anti-Trump.  That’s it.  Let’s win on that and sort out the 2016 squabbles later.

More proof that CNN is more credible than the Trump-apologists at NYT and MSNBC.

You’ll come around.  

Bernie is not running.

Hillary won the popular vote and would have won the electoral vote had Russia not interfered with a highly sophisticated online trolling operation. 

Lying is part of the strategy, newcomer. The lies don’t matter; the votes do. Bernie lied about Hillary nonstop and then endorsed her. Does that register? It’s not about what is said. It’s about what is done. Hence my warning. Do not bite too hard into the rhetoric apple, there is no core. It’s a lure for a vote.

She’s an inspiration to women everywhere and a wonderful new voice for the Latinx Community in our government. That said, be careful what you wish for.

Dig deeper.  There’s much more to Space Force than it seems.  It’s a money-laundering operation between Trump and The Kremlin.

This is, quite literally, unbelievable. Space is a religion. Black holes have never been observed. Stars are theories. The moon is obviously up there somewhere but we never landed on it - that was a Hollywood production intended to destroy Russian confidence. We know almost nothing about space. We don’t even know if