My Hillary Amour

Yeah exactly.  Roy Moore is guilty not Weiner.

Sorry but the theory is getting harder and harder to believe.  It went from automatic sinks to cheap sensors.  Next stop is an extremely small sample size before admitting that it was just one random guy who overheard something.

That is the smuggest look I have ever seen. And for what? What has she done other than convinced Will Smith, who could have gotten a much better looking wife, to marry her? Beyond raising to mentally ill, weirdo kids what has she done?

No they didn’t.  Just because Trump said it doesn’t mean it’s true.  Usually it means the opposite. 

Doesn’t seem very likely.  Those sensors are designed to pick up motion and they use lasers to do so.  It’s not imaging tech, which does get confused by surface color and texture.  We’re talking about infrared lasers here.  Lasers don’t get confused.  Those things perform eye surgery these days.

Do not drag Taylor into this. She isn’t Beyonce. She isn’t some overhyped backup dancer that needs a huge amount of production to fool people into thinking she has talent.  She doesn’t involve herself in national politics. Taylor involves herself with music only and she’s damn good at it. She writes her own songs. She

Are you really trying to say that black folks don’t know how to use automatic sinks?  Wow.

This is where I draw the god damned line.

Whoa whoa.  Hey, now I never said that.  I never said what you’re implying here.  I’m just defending Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma.  Both are great people, ok?  I never said that doing what you were talking about was right.  Calm down over there.  I didn’t say any of that.

Wrong again, Stairmaster. If I get a mass boycott going, which is a virtual certainty at this point, we are going to defund Trump’s fascist government and save ourselves a little money in the process.  Actually a pretty good deal if you think about it.

Your book is wrong.  Weiner was jailed for having a modern view on sexuality.  And don’t get me started on Franken.  That idiot should never have resigned.

The Forbes article was excellent and well-deserved. Kylie, perhaps more than any of her siblings, is a self-made woman. She could have used her natural, gorgeous looks to become wealthy. She could have sold herself through the lowest common denominator like Beyonce. She could have taken the lazy road to riches but she

Neither did anything wrong.

There is zero racism in the tech community.  You need not worry.

Stop misery and size shaming me.

I take it you’ve never tangled with the IRS.  

I refuse to support this government and will not be paying taxes until Drumpf resigns. Join me if you are brave enough.

I remember when Robocop came out.  As a movie.  I remember being terrified of the future robot police forces.  These days I welcome their arrival.  If Black Lives Matters has taught me anything, it’s that we can’t trust human police.  Robot police, accompanied by drones, would be much better.  100% racism free.

6. Bernie Bros who just started getting into politics in 2016 and think that being woke means staying home on election day to get drunk and high and to “watch the world Bern” thereby giving us Trump.

How did you get your text to underline like that?